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Root Medicine


Kava Curious
Thanks Grudge! I just read it again and I'm hoping someone may be able to answer a question. This study of kava as a possibly viable cancer treatment seems to be based on fresh root traditionally prepared kava... The article goes on to say that commercially prepared kava has a much different profile than fresh root and seems to imply that it might not be very healthy for you. Most of the kavas I brew are from kava powders sold by dealers reviewed by Kavasseur and discussed on this forum. Am I wrong or right to assume that the profile of these dried root ground powders would closer match the fresh root. The article seems to blur the distinction between traditional dry ground root and root where chemicals have been used to aid extraction. "some commercial producers use solvents such as ethanol to get more kavalactones out of each pound of ‘awa".

I wish there were more vendors selling fresh frozen kava. I did try some when Adil at Paradise Kava first started selling it. Would try again but looks like the minimum order now is four pounds.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
You are correct. Commercially processed tinctures and kava pills/products are a far cry from powdered kavas offered by vendors here. Powdered dry kava is the closest you can get to fresh. Instant kava is prepared kava that has been dehydrated so theoretically it should be the same as prepared dry powder. Fresh is the holy grail but the holy grail can get quite expensive.


Kava Lover
Kava by Rex apparently sells it and I heard its around the same price as dried. I could be wrong though. But you have to email him to make an order because he doesn't have it on the website.


Kava Enthusiast
I inquired about the fresh root back in July and this is the response I got

"Aloha Ben,
Thanks for the message and your inquiry!

have beautiful fresh, frozen Hawaiian kava in stock right now which is
Mahakea/Opihi Kao(Spotted Hiwa). It's not always available but is really
nice stuff and definitely worth it to try!

The frozen kava is by
special order through email only, is $20 a pound and there is a five(5)
pound minimum per order. Shipping will be via FedEx and will be $76.51 
to NC due to the special quick shipping involved.

The total for your order shipping included, will be $176.51 for five pounds."

Things my have changed some in the meantime though.


Kava Lover
That's an Insane shipping cost!! Anyone know how much Adil at paradise charges for the shipping on his frozen?


Kava Curious
how about extract? do you think this would fall in the realm of 'safer' like power, root and instant?


Kava Curious
The shipping cost is quite a bit but the price per pound is great. At 20$ per lb. it would work out to less than Paradise Kava even with the November discount.


Kava Lover
philm400 said:
The shipping cost is quite a bit but the price per pound is great. At 20$ per lb. it would work out to less than Paradise Kava even with the November discount.
true, the price per pound is really good, and if you ordered the maximum you would save on shipping costs. And it's only about 20 more than if you ordered five pounds of dry at 30 per pound.


Kava Curious
I've contacted Rex about the availability of fresh frozen kava and this is the reply I received;

We do have beautiful fresh, frozen Hawaiian kava in stock which right now is Mahakea/Spotted Hiwa (opihi kao).

There is a 5 lb. minimum which will be $90 and shipping to you in NY will be around $76.50.

Our fresh kava is treated as a special order product and is not always in stock therefore ordering must be via email instead of through our website.

I've ordered some to share with friends over the holidays.


Kava Lover
Let us know how it is! Me and my buddy are goig to split the cost and the kava, so we will both get 2 and a half pounds for around 83