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Root powder vs. Extracts, etc.

Whatsup kava heads :)

Looking for a little insight, maybe you guys can help me..

A little background, I have been using kava for say 2 months now. It has been a real blessing in helping with anxiety and insomnia issues. I have tried a few different strains, and have felt great benefits, one of the best and (coolest) is the residual calming, days after having kava. Mind you I use it medicinally, I don't try or want to get krunk.

I'm just wondering if anybody here has found a difference in the effects of say a root powder vs. an extract (like paradise) or instants for dealing with anxiety issues etc. on a regular basis. Would you guys say root is the best way to go vs the other forms? It seems to me like root would be ideal in every category except convenience (but I dont mind making kava) and I actually dont mind the taste either. I'm thinking the old line "if it aint broke dont fix it" with the root powder, but I just wanted your guys thoughts.

Thanks in advance for your insights :)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I can't say one is strictly better than the other. It's situational and personal preference.

In general the effects from instant may not last as long or be as strong as powdered root. There are some rather potent instants out there though and are perfectly capable in there own right.

I haven't been able to try Paradise Extracts yet so I can't really comment on that.

In my view instant, candy and extracts are simply another tool in the arsenal, especially for people like me and you with anxiety. It's the portable "rescue inhaler" type thing for when we can't brew up some kava for whatever reason.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Honestly I think you'll find the root powder effects to fluctuate more sporadically with every use. They generally will produce more effect, but you can't hone in your exact intake like you can with an extract or with an instant kava. Extracts such as paradise kava are standardized to 120-130mg of kavalactones per 1 gram of extract.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Great topic and something a lot of people must wonder about I imagine.
I rarely have time to make these days, and am getting more and more content with dipping into kava extract, a bit at a time.
This is when I'm not in a setting with other kava lovers of course.
If others are involved, it's usually never extract, just beverage.
Also, I like to travel and that's another time I don't crave beverage and extracts serve the purpose, in my case atleast.
Would love to hear others opinions on this subject.

Vetka, seriously? email me please.


Kava Enthusiast
I've been using ground root fairly regularly for about a year. I have tried various instants ( fire island and instant green) and enjoyed them but always found root to be a more cost effective route of administration. Usually instant kavas are a variety of extract which uses cold water extraction and evaporates the kava juice to achieve powder so most instants are a type of extract. I've often wondered about paradise and other co2 extracts as that is a true, solvent free extract. The only time I outright ordered an extract was on ebay and based on the hallucinagenic experience I got off it I am very suspicous of it's contents. I've drank kava for over a year and have yet to have a dancing elephants experience from any actual root, so I'm calling that "extract" out on being some type of godawful chem.

I loved the kava candies for their taste and moderate effects and have resolved to try more vendors that come here. The problem(not really a problem) with this place is that some really chill vendors and kava enthusiests have awesome products and give awesome insightful advise. I''ve been buying alot of BKH for the last 6 months and have resolved to trying paradise in the near future as I love isa and Adil seems awesome and sent me a really rad strainer. That being said I've never tried an extract other than cold water extraction instant that was most definately kava and not some suspect ebay purchase.

Extracts have universal applicablity that does not apply to root and would make a superior anxiety treatment as it's hard to churn out a batch of kava in stressing social situations, though it would make for some unique dialague options.


Kava Curious
Like everything else, this is probably going to be personal choice for you. I usually use powdered root, partially because I'm cheap and I almost never use kava except in the evenings. I really don't mind the krunk feeling sometimes. I don't mind the instant kavas that I've tried, but I didn't find them as strong and the taste was a little different for me. Not bad, just not what I am used to. I've never found real insomnia relief with anything but the root powder, but we may not have the same type of insomnia. I'd agree with Vetka's comment on a portable rescue, though. I like the candies, and have now used them at work with some success. I'd never be able to bring powdered kava to work, but the candies were great in a high anxiety pinch. I know at least one person on here who uses Paradise's extracts at work for high anxiety situations.