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Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Hang in there our East Coast Friends, It's going to be quite a week for you folks. Sending you our prayers. Be safe!


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks Adil. I live in NH and that storm was pretty crappy. It ripped trees right down the middle and ripped tree branches off and threw them through windows. Basically the whole state lost power. We had a big ass tree branch get ripped off a tree like 10 feet away and thrown at our roof which knocked the top 18 inches of the chimney off and totally fucked up the roofing, at least we rent and the landlords cleaned it up. Looks like NYC got hit hard and the South got a massive snowstorm which is weird because we usually get the massive blizzards. Last year we got like 41 inches of snow in one storm before halloween.


Kava Enthusiast
Everythings fine now. The landlords have repaired all the houses that got fucked up by renegade branches and public service has restored all electricity. I had a cousin in Long Island NY who's house got destroyed from the storm, like pratically washed into the sea. We only lost a few days work and now everythings back to normal. Now things are just getting friggin freezing again, like 20 degrees every night and it will only get worse from here on in. We actually have a big noreaster in the works which always suck. Thanks for the good wishes and Adil I admire you so much living in Hawaii where a snow shovel is totally unnecessary.