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Powdered Kava Review Santa Cruz


Kava Curious
{"Grade":10,"Potency":10,"Mind":6,"Body":10,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":10,"Taste":"5","Preparation":"40 g traditional","Duration":"2-3 hrs","SideEffects":"sleepy","Headline":""}
This is probably my favorite Kava period. I prefer heavier Kavas most of the time, and also have been a lifelong insomniac. This stuff feel like it was custom made just for me. It has a decently smooth taste profile and brews up nicely.
The main thing i love about this kava is the deep sedative properties. It is funny because i've read reviews calling this a headier Kava, but for me it is about as far on the heavy spectrum as I have found, and i just love it. It has a nice initial head buzz for sure, but for me that its pretty quickly followed by a deeeeep and profound relaxation of body and mind. I am usually asleep within a few hours of drinking this kava and sleep like a log, which is incredibly rare for me, yet incredibly consistent when i drink Santa Cruz. It may not be for everyone, but if you want to serenely melt into the couch and drag yourself off to bed an hour later, this is, in my opinion, the best Kava available. I hope it is available for a long time to come or I may just have to buy the rest of it now! ;)