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Kava Enthusiast
I'm not sure the interactions that produce the kavahead space along with the euphoria but I've been paying some what closer attention to it and found that there is a peak that turns in to a plateau.  Once you peak for the session, a few more shells will not raise the bar, there's a ceiling.   Or after the plateau, and you are going back to baseline, more shells will not get you back to peak levels.

BTW,  I'm finding not only the type of kava effects the peak/plateau but also dosage (root/water ratio and shell ounces) also time interval between shells (10mins/15mins/etc)
another possible variable, time of day the session starts (daylight/evening/late night) and mood before session.

I need to experiment more on the variables, but I'm also thinking not only is there a ceiling but also: faster onset = shorter plateau duration

Do you guys notice this?  Perhaps it's the reverse with you?


Kava Curious
I was having shells at first maybe 10-15 minutes apart. When I spaced them to 20-25 minutes I found the effects were much stronger, so much that the first time I was not expecting it at all. Also I have found that by doing so you hit a series of minipeaks. I can feel when it's been 10 minutes or so after a shell and when it's been closer to 16-18 minutes after. The peaks seem to increase in strength with each shell. I've never had more than 2 cups' worth of kava in a sitting though and I've only made solomon's. I have some tongan pride and Wow! on the way.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
That sounds right. The faster your rise the faster you fall. It is a very unconventional substance. I usually space out my shells and wait for the plateau.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yeah, I feel a plateau after downing the first bowl full. The second wash(if I do a second wash) I can to sit back a little and sip it. It kind of keeps me up there before I start coming back down.

I really have to time it right so I drink it before I eat or few hours after. Having food in my stomach while drinking kava really cuts it down. I had 2 bowls of Chief Jungle and it settled me down but it didn't get me as loose as the few times before.


Kava Lover
I have always just been pounding down my bowls very fast, but I think I may reconsider. I too have noticed that there is a level and no matter how much more you drink, you won't go higher. And when you guys say you space your shells around 10 or 15 min, how big are your shells? It would be nice to find a way to be able to boost the initial krunk while also being able to keep it for longer. Somehow I always thought that the more you do at a time the stronger it will be because you are flushing your system. And the longer spaces between shells would be weaker because there is that amount of time for the effects I diminish a tad. I was incorrect on this assumption yes?


Kava Enthusiast
I usually make batches of 1-2 quarts with 1/2-1 cup of root. Then I usually fill my shell about 2/3 (my shell is huge and holds 3 and 1/2 cups of fluid) and take a chug every few minutes. I usually kill it over the course of 30 minutes and it makes it creep at a reasonable pace.


Kava Enthusiast
The plateau thing is definitely true, I've experienced that. I'm surprised to hear the effects are better with longer gaps... seems counter to what I thought I had heard before. I had started trying to get as much in me at once as I could at the start, then just lay off. I've never done a very good job of waiting between shells so I don't think I've ever even tried 20 minute gaps.

Definitely going to alter my routine a bit after hearing this. See what's what.


Kava Lover
I'm going to try this tonight, waiting beer made sense to me, but I guess waiting makes it so that you take your next shell right as your peaking from the last one maybe? I don't know, but if it works then why not.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I'm rather concerned about not having "more is more," but has anyone tried doing what this guy and his stunt double is doing?  Just drink shell after shell, no waiting period?

I've heard tales of ascending paralysis, but I don't think I've ever had nearly this much kava.

(flash video)


Kava Lover
I have finished a session with my buddy by just drinking shell after shell. I would drink one, then him, the. Me. It was gone in a couple min. It was a good krunk but I was not paralyzed.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
We need to organize a drinking contest one day, Krunkedout. First person to say "I'm not getting up" wins.

If you're ever at Buckingham palace, tell one of the guys with the funny hats that Philip said you have a "standing invitation", no irony intended.


Kava Lover
I may swing by Phillip. That would however, be a rather interesting thread idea. A who can drink the most thread. Could have some good research opportunities as to the effects of large amounts of kava


Kava Lover
Last night the ceiling was shattered. Absolutely shattered. It was so strong that I wondered if there was an interaction between the kava and my antibiotics. I could not see straight, it was much harder to walk and all sounds sounded just like I was stoned. I had to move back from the teli because it just seemed too loud and trippy for me. Squeezed a batch of stone with 6 T and drank that, then I started soaking 4T more of stone. Once I finished the first round I simply opened the strainer and pour the 4 T in with the old kava. My stomach felt sort of sick so I figured I should eat something to help soak up the kava. I ate like three cookies and proceeded to drink that kava, and that's when it hit. I was absolutely shocked to say te least.