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should cut back on kava?


Kava Curious
i've been taking kava nightly for couple months now at 3 tablespoons of various strains - fiji waka, tongan pride, fu'u kava, and past few weeks it's been Stone Kava. I'd like to take a break for a little while, but worry i'll have trouble sleeping for some time? Should i just quickly cut down and get off, or could i just quit with no problem ? not sure if there's like a rebound in anxiety and insomnia when u stop?? thanks


Many people do claim that kava has withdrawal effects, but personally I think that's ridiculous. I haven't experienced any rebound anxiety or insomnia in ceasing kava consumption. But your mileage will always vary. I recently stopped drinking kava after almost nightly consumption that went on for about 4 months and I'm fine, it's more difficult to quit drinking coffee than it is to stop drinking kava. Depending on your personality traits.

I'd say don't worry at all about stopping, and don't psyche yourself out when you do stop. It's a bummer to not be drinking kava but that's about as far as the withdrawal has gone in my personal experience lol. This is one of the things that I find most appealing about kava, I can just sop if I want to.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
kavalover said:
Many people do claim that kava has withdrawal effects, but personally I think that's ridiculous. I haven't experienced any rebound anxiety or insomnia in ceasing kava consumption. But your mileage will always vary. I recently stopped drinking kava after almost nightly consumption that went on for about 4 months and I'm fine, it's more difficult to quit drinking coffee than it is to stop drinking kava. Depending on your personality traits.

I'd say don't worry at all about stopping, and don't psyche yourself out when you do stop. It's a bummer to not be drinking kava but that's about as far as the withdrawal has gone in my personal experience lol. This is one of the things that I find most appealing about kava, I can just sop if I want to.
I've had no problems stopping and starting, haven't found it to be addictive at all.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Kava is not chemically additive so there shouldn't be a withdrawal. But why quit? Your consumption is very light in comparison to the people in kava drinking cultures. If you're not having a bad reaction to it there are no health reasons to cut back. That is something people who drink a lot of alcohol do. The beauty of drinking kava is that it's pretty much guilt free. And when using just three tablespoons daily, also very cheap.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
To add to what Judd was saying, kava also leaves your sense of judgment functioning far more than alcohol. I know a few alcoholics and I've never seen any of them demonstrate the ability to say "I'd like to take a break".

Withdrawals...mmmm nope can't say I've ever had any in the year and counting I've been drinking kava. The immediate effects of kava are over anywhere from 2-6 hours in general. But the next day or two there can be some residual beneficial effects. In my case I can go for 1 week maybe up to 2 before I really start feeling my social anxiety/ panic attacks becoming a serious threat again.

If you have some trouble sleeping have a little, maybe not 3 tablespoons but just have a little. It's a lot better than popping a sleeping pill but perhaps not as taste as a late night cup of hot cocoa with a cinnamon stir stick and some lavender honey....


whenever I experience insomnia from quitting any sleeping aid I just pop a benadryl. Low dose diphenydramine (25mg - 75mg) is a safe way to get to sleep via its action on acetylcholine receptors - just don't make a habit out of it, that stuff WILL give you insomnia if used too frequently, but can be great to really get off of a substance that usually helps you sleep. I haven't felt the need to do this with kava though.


Kava Curious
You probably wouldn't have any trouble if you wanted to take a few days off. I take some time every once in awhile just to remind myself I'm not addicted. If I have trouble sleeping, I take melatonin. It's in the drug store, a lot of people take it to help with jet lag or mild insomnia. If it'll work for you, it doesn't take much. I think it's pretty effective. I've talked to doctors and pharmacists and they say it's safe. There isn't any rebound with kava though, like with prescription sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication, at least I never found any. My insomnia a day after drinking it isn't any worse than it was before I started.


Is there death before life?
I cannot for the life of me understand why you would want to quit if it works for you.

I've said it before, Kava is a great everyday supplement.

I think it is a gift from God, seriously.

Think about it.

The more you use, the less you need. "what DRUG does that?"

It has shown great effects in tons of different areas.

I am about to get a tattoo of the beautiful botanical gift, just to show you how strong I feel about it.

The risk of addiction is only in youre head.

Thank about the other DRUGS that would be forced down you're throat that would do EXTREME damage.

Then look at what Kava does, do not feel guilty because you take it.

I am a EVERYDAY user and do not EVER see myself not taking it.

FYI, I am anti big pharm. Please excuse any anti pharmaceutical propaganda, lol

Drink a shell and relax
