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Simplifying life and self discipline

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Kava Enthusiast
Hey y'all. I have been feeling for a long time now the need to simplify things in my life and the desire to only fill my time and space with what I really enjoy and to let go of the things that are not serving me (bad attitudes and habits included). BUT, I keep hitting a snag in that even though this is something I know that I should do, must do and will help me once I get through the other side, I find the task of actually doing things to work toward that goal and to realize it so difficult. There are emotional blockages that I didn't expect and my rather wildish ways have never been conducive to having a great deal of self discipline so I find myself at a sort of impasse. Knowing I need to make changes, but at the same time feeling powerless to actually carry it out. Has anyone else here made this same journey and been successful getting to the other side of it all? If so how did you motivate yourself to take it out of the realm of just theory and into actual practice and the doing of the thing? I feel like I need a giant kick in the ass, but don't know where to find the big boot. If anyone else has been there and done that, how did you motivate yourself to do the hard work and what helped you keep up your momentum to see it through when it gets tough? I've been able to make some small strides, but it's just scratching the surface of what I KNOW I need to do. Hopefully this post makes some kind of sense. I'm pretty krunked right now. lol Thanks to all who reply with their advice. I greatly appreciate it. :)


Kava Enthusiast
You don't have to get to where you want to be all at once. As long as you are trying to get there, there won't be a wasted day, even if you feel like you haven't accomplished much. Some things are better achieved over time rather than quickly. Plus you'll learn more about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses.
I read all that on a bumper sticker once.


Kava aficionado
Hey y'all. I have been feeling for a long time now the need to simplify things in my life and the desire to only fill my time and space with what I really enjoy and to let go of the things that are not serving me (bad attitudes and habits included). BUT, I keep hitting a snag in that even though this is something I know that I should do, must do and will help me once I get through the other side, I find the task of actually doing things to work toward that goal and to realize it so difficult. There are emotional blockages that I didn't expect and my rather wildish ways have never been conducive to having a great deal of self discipline so I find myself at a sort of impasse. Knowing I need to make changes, but at the same time feeling powerless to actually carry it out. Has anyone else here made this same journey and been successful getting to the other side of it all? If so how did you motivate yourself to take it out of the realm of just theory and into actual practice and the doing of the thing? I feel like I need a giant kick in the ass, but don't know where to find the big boot. If anyone else has been there and done that, how did you motivate yourself to do the hard work and what helped you keep up your momentum to see it through when it gets tough? I've been able to make some small strides, but it's just scratching the surface of what I KNOW I need to do. Hopefully this post makes some kind of sense. I'm pretty krunked right now. lol Thanks to all who reply with their advice. I greatly appreciate it. :)
The hardest part is starting any task, it's 90% of it all, the other 10% is the motions of getting stuff done and easier. I struggle with it all the time. I personally tell/convince myself that whatever the goal, big or small will make me feel really good when it's done and it almost always does.


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks fellas. <3 Any advice for motivation to get through the things I have particularly strong aversions to? I do talk to myself (does that make me crazy? :p ) to try to motivate myself to get through something, but it doesn't always work. Inevitably something else will get in the way and I will happily be distracted with it in order to avoid the thing I don't want to deal with. Any tips on how to get through that type of aversion? Thanks. Soul work is hard!

Deleted User01

It's tough for young people to that because there is so much to do and so many opportunities ahead of you so life is very distracting. As you get older, you either reach your goals or you give up on them. You now have less distractions and you are happy to sit there like Buddha and watch the river flow. If I were you, I would select the number one distraction in your life and try to make it less distracting. I have often said that my give-a-shitter is broken. What this means is that instead of getting wound up over 100s of little things, I just focus on 2 or 3 big things (ex. Health, Family, Longetivity). So there ya go. Good luck in your quest.


I'm not sure that anyone has completed this journey :). I think that even the most enlightened individuals probably work on this daily and will have periodic setbacks.

One thing that may help is to divide-and-conquer your tasks. Take a large task and divide it into logical, bite size steps, and then conquer those. It can make things seem less overwhelming and provide a confidence boost as you complete the smaller tasks. I find that I usually feel much better as long as I got something done that day...even if it's learning my current approach is inefficient.

Good luck!


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks so much guys. Your comments and advice are really helpful. In the light of a new day I feel kind of embarrassed for putting all of that out there on the internet (I should not be starting new threads while krunk! lol ), but nevertheless it is what I feel inside and I do appreciate the kind advice. I am going to devise a plan that will be a mix of everything that was said here. I'll take @Krunʞy's "just get started", @Deleted User01 pick the main thing and start there, @dubya's divide and conquer and @Travis be patient and just start. I do get overwhelmed when I think about everything at once so yeah, I will just try to set one goal at a time and work on that one thing. I'll start with the easiest so hopefully I can get some success under my belt to help motivate me through the tougher challenges. Thanks guys for the kind and supportive environment. ::hugsmiley:: Now who here has tips on how to successfully sell some stuff on Ebay? :p hehehehe Thanks. :)


Magnum's 'awa drinking bird
As someone having a tough time right now and being overwhelmed by the many tasks I have to accomplish, I really like your suggestions in this thread. Even though I try to follow these "rules" since many years, it's still difficult from time to time... But times are changing, and usually (hopefully) things are getting better sometime. I try to be patient and stay on track. It might take longer than anticipated to reach my goals, but I'll reach them one day. I try to focus on this thought to gain strength when I'm down.

Thank you guys and ladies for lifting my mood.


Kava Enthusiast
That's what's nice about kf, we are all usually happy, krunked or some variation there of. It's all good, post away.
hehe Thanks :shameshame:

Now remember @lbbygirl, all of us here on the Kava Forums are not real "Life Consultants", we just act like we are on the Kava Forums. :rolleyes:
Hehe I'll remember that. I've never been to a "life consultant", but I'm sure their advice wouldn't be any better than what y'all here said. Thanks! (y)

Most importantly, keep drinking kava everyday and your problems won't seem as bad or unmanageable :)
Oh I can guarantee you that I will keep drinking the kava every day. I'm mixing up another batch of Papa Ele Ele right now in fact so who knows what I'll post tonight! :p lol ::chugger::

I actually cannot complain. I feel very fortunate and I would not say that I what I am dealing with now is a "problem" per se, but rather just stuff about myself that I know I need to change and improve on and I'm just finding it hard to do because it's like trying to conjure up something out of nothing and I don't have the skill set for what I know I need to do. The easier changes I've already made, but it's the harder, deeper stuff that I'm struggling with. Hence this krunked thread. hehe :p :joyful:


Kava Enthusiast
As someone having a tough time right now and being overwhelmed by the many tasks I have to accomplish, I really like your suggestions in this thread. Even though I try to follow these "rules" since many years, it's still difficult from time to time... But times are changing, and usually (hopefully) things are getting better sometime. I try to be patient and stay on track. It might take longer than anticipated to reach my goals, but I'll reach them one day. I try to focus on this thought to gain strength when I'm down.

Thank you guys and ladies for lifting my mood.
I'm glad if this thread helped you. It makes it all worth posting then if it helps. Feel free to PM me anytime if you ever need to talk. I know what it is like to be struggling and would be glad to help you in any way I can. ::hugsmiley::
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