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Solomon is COMPLETELY sold out!


Kava Curious
Oh no!  nakamalathome.com is COMPLETELY sold out of Solomon.
Can anyone suggest something comparable?  I like a nice glass of whiskey and water for the relaxation effect but I don't like getting drunk. Solomon was like the relaxation equivalent without the drunkenness - nice!  I have tried Malekula Magic and it just isn't strong enough for me to unwind from a tough day.  I fear Wow and Chief's - I don't ever want to get crazy krunked or vomit.
To quote Freddie Mercury - "Can anybody find me some kava to love?"


Kava Enthusiast
Oh no. I would recommend van3 from kavabyrex.com (their sold out for the moment). Wow! is too pricey and Chief's for me not as potent as Solomon. If I was going for a N@H brand, it would be Stone.