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Some Kava questions from a 'newbie'


So I ordered some Stone Kava frrom N@H and have a few questions regarding proper preparation/brewing and some other things. I've been using a liquid extract for a month or so now with less than stellar results but I don't think I have to worry about reverse tolerance. I am NOT looking to get intoxicated or addicted to it as my parents report the locals in Fiji do (not sure how true that is).

1. How many tablespoons is a good dose for anxiety relief? Also, what's a good dose for some help with going to sleep and staying asleep?

2. I've seemed to gather that putting the Kava root in a tea bag (doubled up) and letting it soak for 30mins in a milk/water mixture then kneading/squeezing it after that 30mins is the right method of prep but I'm not sure if there is a better method... I don't have access to a blender FWIW

3. I only ordered 250g as a starter, and am wondering what the differences between the 'blends' is as far as effects is concerned. I've read some stuff here about different blends having different kavalactone ratios. Which ones do what? Which ones are going to help me with anxiety relief and sleep?

4. As far as the 30 min soaking period, is kneading supposed to be done during this time or just at the end when you're squeezing out the juice?

5. How long do the effects last?

6. i'm taking anxiety meds (which I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post, but just think of the traditional class of meds for anxiety). I've been taking them for long enough that my psychiatrist admits the anxiety I've started to experience is due to them not working anymore due to tolerance. I know Kava has MAOI activity. Is there anything I need to worry about in this regard?

7. How long does brewed tea last without the potency starting to diminish? It seems most people just prepare enough for one night, but I'm wondering if I can brew more and store it in the fridge. 

Thanks everyone!

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
7.) Almost indefinitely. It's taste that is the concern. The older it is, the more it tastes like lawn clippings.

6.) Enhanced barbiturate narcosis. Basically, don't drink and drive.

5.) Depends on the cultivar. I've drunk Chief's and felt it in the morning after breakfast. Usually, about an hour of active euphoria and about a night/day of calmness.

4.) Finely ground kava doesn't really require soaking. But, if you do soak, you don't have the kneed for the whole time you're soaking.

3.) http://kavalounge.yuku.com/topic/861/Sleep#.UXuUDUr2VIs

2.) Don't worry about no blender.

1.) For me, about 3.14159265358. Here's a graphic explaining why - http://i.imgur.com/lQEFep6.gif


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I use kava to help cope with social anxiety, panic attacks and help with sensory overload. Don't take my answers as "answers" per say....more like guide lines or a starting point. 
1. I use 2 tablespoons per session about once a week on average. The same dose is fine for sleep with the appropriate variety of kava. 
2. "Right" method? I'm not sure there is any one method that is "right". Technically one could do it wrong or inefficiently but that is a whole other can of worms. More here
Soaking is more or less personal preference. Kava with a course grind may benefit from soaking, it's a bit superfluous for a kava with a fine grind. You may encounter kava that is ground 50/50, course/fine so again...more or less personal preference. 
3. You mean varieties? In a nutshell kava from PNG and Vanuatu tend to be more sedating and body. Kava from Fiji and Tonga lean towards the cerebral, energizing, euphoric. Hawaiian kava can vary between the two ends of the spectrum. 
The kava varieties that have been the most effective for me have been ones that have a chemotype that start with 2 and 4 of the ones I can find the chemotype number. Boroguru has a chemotype of 245613. More Here Chemotypes aside, kava that is well balanced seem to work best for me. My two favorites and most effective kava are Boroguru and Paradise Hawaiian. 
4. It can be done before or after. The more you agitate and squeeze the kava the more you are likely to force out into the water. You can focus purely on kneading and squeezing and some kava varieties may actually need more attention to extract there full potential. I occasionally spend close to 40 minutes squeezing and kneading Boroguru. YMMV but I generally believe your efforts will be rewarded.
5. For a kava you would typically use for the control of or relief from anxiety the initial effects will last anywhere from 2-6 hours and the residual effects can last anywhere from 3 days to a week and a half after you have been drinking for a while and your body more readily accepts kava. This could take  a couple weeks or it can take a few months.
6. Yes, there is. I wouldn't freak out over it but I would strongly suggest you be careful. The risks are the same as mixing any other medication(s) be it prescription - prescription or prescription - alcohol. Interactions can happen. I'm not qualified to give you any pharmacological advice but from my own reading and research  the possibility exists but is somewhat unlikely. That being said I would encourage you to be off or mostly off prescription before you get deeper into kava.
7. There are various methods to preserve prepared kava. Refrigeration may extend it's shelf life up to 3 days if you're lucky. After 3 days it will begin to take on a sour, musty taste to the point you won't want to drink it regardless of it potency. The best method, that I know of, is to freeze prepared kava in ice cube trays and thaw as needed.


Prince Philip said:
By the way, your throw-away comment about the Fijians being addicted to kava has inspired me - http://kavalounge.yuku.com/topic/1338/More-powerful-than-addiction#.UXxclkr2VIs
Thanks for you initial reply, although I understand pi, I don't understand your dosage as it relates to pi. Even an estimate in tablespoons would be helpful.

As far as my "throw away comment", it was meant to have little emphasis so I wasn't implying something or trying to get a point across in a sly way. It was honestly just of little concern to me, as I've read up on the pharmacological profile of Kava and it's Kavalactones and believe there isn't much risk for dependence.

I don't drink or do drugs so hopefully that will help with quelling any other comments about not drinking or doing drugs concurrently with Kava. Although I am taking a benzo, my doctor has admitted that, since my dosage hasn't increased over a year (only decreased), it has started to have no effect due to down-regulation. Now, for any pharm. experts out there, am I correct in saying Kava has an effect of up-regulation of GABAA?


You mean varieties? In a nutshell kava from PNG and Vanuatu tend to be more sedating and body. Kava from Fiji and Tonga lean towards the cerebral, energizing, euphoric. Hawaiian kava can vary between the two ends of the spectrum. 

The kava varieties that have been the most effective for me have been ones that have a chemotype that start with 2 and 4 of the ones I can find the chemotype number. Boroguru has a chemotype of 245613. More Here Chemotypes aside, kava that is well balanced seem to work best for me. My two favorites and most effective kava are Boroguru and Paradise Hawaiian. 

=1emFor a kava you would typically use for the control of or relief from anxiety the initial effects will last anywhere from 2-6 hours and the residual effects can last anywhere from 3 days to a week and a half after you have been drinking 

I'm sorry, but where can you find chemotypes? The site I ordered from didn't have any and the only noticeable differences were the origin (all were from Vanuatu at N@H?). 

I'm sorry but, since you use this medicinally much like me, could you elaborate on effects such as euphoria, body feeling relaxed/heavy, mental clarity, sleep ease, and anxiety relief... Sorry =]



Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
A few of the chemotypes are listed in the kava wiki and some more may be floating around on the forums.
Come log into the http://www.kavaforums.com/chat/ chat room. I'm logged into it now. It'd be better than waiting half an hour for some kind of long reply post.


I thinking of a different method of preparation and was wondering what everyone thought.

My thought was to put the Kava powder in a glass with milk and let it soak for an hour or so, maybe stirring occasionally and then filtering it through a nylon stocking (Which is what I've been using as a 'bag') and then squeezing out the juice from that resulting pulp. I don't prepare the Kava in a bowl so the amount of kneading that I do is limited by the fact that I'm just pressing it against the edge of the glass with dull side of a spoon, so I'm guessing that since I'm not really kneading it over and over in a bowl, there shouldn't be much of a difference?

Thanks for any input.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
The good stuff in kava is not water soluble so the less you knead the less out of it you're likely to get.


Right, but the kavalactones are fat soluble right? That's why I was thinking of putting it in milk or some other fatty liquid and agitating by shaking.

From what I've read, some people just let it steep for 30mins but I'm thinking maybe a longer soak time with a little shaking then wringing out the resulting pulp would work better


Kava Enthusiast
You really do need to get your hands dirty when you make kava (or wear gloves).  The effect is almost always directly proportional to the amount of work you put into it.  It is debatable whether adding fat to the mixture results in a better extraction.  Typically, water only works just fine.  I started drinking kava with some milk, but moved away from it. 

I do this and it works quite well: 

1) Pour desired amount of kava through a kitchen funnel, usually 1/2 cup of root, into a one liter soda bottle containing two cups of warm water. 

2) Shake bottle occasionally while root soaks for about 20 minutes. 

3) Pour contents of bottle through nylon or fijan strainer into my prep bowl. 

4) Proceed to knead and squeeze the contents of the nylon/strainer in the bowl for 15-20 minutes, with the last squeeze thoroughly dispensing as much liquid as possible. 

5) Transfer kava beverage from bowl to a small pitcher, refrigerate if I have time. 

6) Drink the kava in three equal "shells" spaced 15 minutes apart.  A decent krunk begins almost immediately after tipping back the third shell. 

7) If I am in the mood for more kava (which is almost always), I will repeat the process by recycling the used root and adding a tablespoon or two of fresh root to the mix. 

8) Enter krunked bliss.


Thanks to all those that replied. I realized I just had to sit there with a bowl and do this the right way, and I can say with certainty that it helped with the potency significantly. Thanks to you all for showing me the light :]