I imagine that gets pretty tough. I never considered the amount of effort and time it would take to get a forum up and keep it running smooth. Your doing a great job though, the spam is usually barely noticable. The "PC expert software care" guy that pops up everynow and then and opens 2 threads just dropping his name in the title and in OP is actually kinda funny.
You are doing something very good here! Thank you,I am learning every single day because of this forum. Also my health is so improved,mental and otherwise. If I had not found this, the Kona stuff I got would have caused me to give up.
I noticed some more Spam and cleaned it up. I still insist that this board be monitored as mildly as possible. Free speech and Kava are a good combination!
That being said, I'll be going to Ethiopia for seven months beginning in February. I think we'll need to hold some elections for moderators in my absence. Where I will be working is pretty rural, not like this European-style democratic economic powerhouse here in Ghana.
Assuming Prince Phillip is willing to take on the responsibility, he has my vote. Hopefully it won't go to his head and he won't require us to address him as His Majesty, or His Worshipfulness. (Rolleyes)
Aside from that possibility, he (or is he really a she?) seems the natural choice.
I nominate myself. Under my rule I promise that I will create the greatest sticky thread for the rules of a forum ever written. I promise you that it will be no less than 14,000 highly informative words. I will repeatedly ask all new forum visitors "did you try searching the forum first?" when they pose questions. I will diligently lock all threads that are kinda-sorta like another thread that was posted at some point in the last 12-24 months and designate them "previously answered." I will heighten my "may offend a politician" senses and pledge to bring out the ban hammer no less than twice each week.
Family values. Freedom. Low taxes (did I forget to mention my new tax program?), and a super-sweet forum that will buy kava and hand-knead it for you.
If I had time, I would upload a lot of memes to the Yuku board. I frequent a Bob Dylan board where we make damn good use of memes. I'm not sure why, but I find memes to be hilarious (especially when launched away on Kavain).
I nominate Krunkedout.
It's those wicked side burns...(smiley: grin)
Seriously, I nominate Krunkedout. I see him around a lot and judging from his posts it's my opinion that his personality on the forums would help make new members comfortable here.