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Squeezing/pressing device for kava


Kava Enthusiast
I find my fingers are cramping up a lot when I'm kneading my kava. It would be great if there were some kind of device to would make things easier. I wonder if there is an existing tool or kitchen utensil that could squeeze and knead kava more efficiently (and less painfully) than using our hands? The only thing I could think of is a lemon squeezer, but that still seems far from ideal.


Kava Enthusiast
Try just blending and swallowing the whole root pulp. I know people swear by the traditional method, but I've had more success tossing and washing. That said, I would also be interested in a tool like you are suggesting.


Kava Enthusiast
Buddhacide said:
Try just blending and swallowing the whole root pulp. I know people swear by the traditional method, but I've had more success tossing and washing. That said, I would also be interested in a tool like you are suggesting.
You just blend it up and drink it up without straining? That sounds like a lot less hassle, but I don't think I'd be able to stomach it!


Kava Enthusiast
Other than a bit of gas here and there I've never had any digestive issues doing it. I blend 2-3 tablespoons for 5 minutes or so in milk with lecithin, vanilla extract, and sugar and pound it back. Works best if its a fine grind, but it wont hurt if it isnt. Most people are committed to the idea that the squeezing "releases" the kavalactones, but to be it just seems that all thats happening there is smaller particles are being separated from larger ones and that can just as easily be done in my stomach. I could very well be wrong about that, but I personally have not had any greater success doing it the traditional way. Plus, waste not want not, lol. I'd recommend giving it a shot anyway if the traditional process is too laborious for you.


Kava Enthusiast
Someone posted a study comparing techniques. If I remember correctly more kavalactones were released in a blender than hand squeezed, and at a warmer temperature, and with more water.


Kava Curious
tonight I'm gonna try using a french press, and then filtering through a straining cloth. If the consistancy of what turns up in the cloth is fine, then I'll try to do something interesting with it. I'll let you know how it goes.

Drinking the unstrained root has side effects, I wouldn't do it.


Kava Enthusiast
Stevev, let me know how your french press experiment goes. I tried that once and it didn't work at all, although maybe I didn't have a fine enough grind to my kava. When I went to push down on the plunger, it didn't budge at all. I was disappointed but maybe you'll have better luck.

Midas, I'd suggest using the blender method, or the shake method that Grey Owl posted a while back. However, as someone who just recently had a reaction due to drinking unstrained kava, I would not recommend drinking unstrained unless you like a swollen, red face and itchy blotches on your torso. Sure, it was easily treated with benadryl for 36 hrs but it wasn't fun. Whatever method you choose, I would highly suggest straining to avoid any negative side effects. Keep in mind I've been drinking kava for years and this was the only time I ever had a reaction and the only time I ever drank unstrained root.


Kava Enthusiast
Interesting thead. I have heard of others having that reaction too, but only to certain strains. I guess it varies by individual. Ed do you have a link to that study? I'd love to read it.

Ps a french press doesn't work. I read about one guy somewhere that broke his press trying it.


Kava Enthusiast
Ps, if anyone knows of other potential side effects of drinking it unfiltered I'd be curious to hear about them. Personally I don't understand why it would matter. You are taking in more, granted, but it's still the same material you are otherwise ingesting. Seems you could still moderate success by just taking less. However I don't assume to fully understand the whole process.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm having a hard time finding it. Seems it was in a Powerpoint or PDF file. I'll poke around a bit more, but others here might remember as well as it wasn't that long ago.


I've been kind of going the best of both worlds recently... Blending for about 10 - 15 minutes, pouring the kava/water mush into a strainer, letting that soak while I take a shower and get ready to just relax. Then squeeze and knead the kava by hand. Some potent brew that way, man.

I have noticed by doing this that I'm getting much more finely ground particles into my grog - and consequently my digestive system seems easily upset as of recently.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I had a bad reaction to WOW! from not straining it properly, I woke up at 4:30am itching like crazy all over my body and my skin was all red and blotchy. I think if the kava is strained properly it should be OK and I shouldn't have that reaction, but I haven't got up the courage to test it yet, seems like an experiment for a night when I have the next day off in case it turns out badly.