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Starting a non-profit organization in nothern Europe to spread kava-knowlegde and push for legalization


Kava Curious
I'm starting a new organization here with the aim of pushing for legalization of kava in nothern Europe.

I've grown weary looking at the current progress and state of affairs in my own country and I get the feeling many other are experiencing the same, so let's get together and make a group effort to organize all the knowlegde, willpower and support i know each one of us has for this cause.

For me kava is more than medicine, it represents healing and community and today when most people's diets consist of sugar, alcohol and caffeine collectively this is heading for dissaster which is also shown in the statistics of mental health, abusive and selfish behavior and divisiveness of important fractions in society.

The coming together at the tanoa or kavabowl to drink was beforehand not only seen in kavadrinking countries, but then often got adminstered collectively in big bowls of water laced with herbs and later beer and wine combined with all the herbs and we have been doing so for much longer than most historians will have us think so.

I've been working hard these last years, handing out and sharing knowlegde about natural medicine, especially kava and adaptogens for some time now in another non-profit and I'm seeing medicinal extracts that in studies outperform every known antidepressant, even ADHD medication, Alzheimers, and so much more, and this knowlegde gets supressed as well as the knowlegde of kava, all the while profitseeking companies now are destroying the trust in the field, by selling hyped capsules, placebo medicines, microdosing and what have you, so that the real efforts get's drowned in incompetence of companies now busy greenwashing, not to mention healthwashing and even pridewashing their images.

My background is as a intercultural and international socialworker and have been studying anthropology these last years, and now focus most of my attention on innovative social disruption and have become inspired by David Graebers work, I have also started a kava-club here in Copenhagen, as well as non-profits working with adaptogens extracts, therapy etc, and I volunteer alot doing addicitonsupport, as well as teach and write about circular sustainable theory and systemic approaches.

The core principles of this approach lies in aiding, teaching and working for something that is so good, altruistic and useful yet still bordering illegal, as to one ends up shifting public opinion to one's and the publics own, advantage and creates debate and positive skepticism to the established systems who are in a stagnating process and thus cannot undergo the same transformation alone.
Alternative methods is then used by organizing efforts, though still methodically and the data are collected to show the differences between pre-existing and the new, for example a freer approach to natural medicines, kava etc.
If there is an intervention from the governments, a lot of collectively organized noise is then made through channels such as newspapers, social networks, lectures and demos and the previously collected data is set up in black and white so that the people turn against the interventions in exactly the same way as politicians ride on waves of outcry at individual cases for popularty, which always then turns into meaningless laws with no science to back it up.
The difference here is that one is ruled by politicians with the people in affect, the other is controlled by the people with politicians / the stagnant established in affect.
Not only in academia but also natural medicine even psychedelic therapy we're seing patent-based land grabbing, which is only a continuation of the issue so this most be non-profit with altruistic motives to have any effect.

We will at first meet virtually an hour or so once every second Week to share knowlegde, methods and inspiration as to how we're working locally to push our governments to take kava seriously.

Later funds can be applied for, to make and support events, send out materials, create multilingual websites, and help alcohol addictioncenters learn about kava and support and inspire grassroot communties in other countries struggling for the same obejctives with knowlegde, flyers, kava to hand out etc,

I've already bought domains dedicated to spread facts about kava, and also got a meeting coming up to teach a group about adaptogens and kava, and I made a folder about the benefits of kava to our freecity Christiania, which is an old part of Copenhagen Denmark, where hippies occupied a large part of the downtown in the 60's, which later got donated to them to continue living and organizing for themselves.
Today there's a lot of cannabis being sold, but they're looking to shut it down due to the unrest it has brought and still do and many people here are addicted and both alcohol and cannabis are keeping them unproductive, paranoid, and often mentally ill.

Therefore my first objective is to help them set up a way to sell or distibute kava there dispite our laws, as police most likely will look the other way focusing on the cannabis.

This is a good setup for the approach mentioned but the general principles can be applied in many ways and when working together sharing, know-how, studies, and give each other moral support because it will not be easy swaying our legal systems by ourself, then this might actually work.

I incourage everyone living in these lattitudes to get in touch and come join our firs meeting this next Sunday local time 20.00/08pm (Zoomlink will be sent out shortly before)

Get in touch:

Email me on [email protected]
Add me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stefan.johansen.98/
Telegram/Signal number: +4528936032

Look forward seing you, bula!


'Awa Grower/Collector
I'm starting a new organization here with the aim of pushing for legalization of kava in nothern Europe.

I've grown weary looking at the current progress and state of affairs in my own country and I get the feeling many other are experiencing the same, so let's get together and make a group effort to organize all the knowlegde, willpower and support i know each one of us has for this cause.

For me kava is more than medicine, it represents healing and community and today when most people's diets consist of sugar, alcohol and caffeine collectively this is heading for dissaster which is also shown in the statistics of mental health, abusive and selfish behavior and divisiveness of important fractions in society.

The coming together at the tanoa or kavabowl to drink was beforehand not only seen in kavadrinking countries, but then often got adminstered collectively in big bowls of water laced with herbs and later beer and wine combined with all the herbs and we have been doing so for much longer than most historians will have us think so.

I've been working hard these last years, handing out and sharing knowlegde about natural medicine, especially kava and adaptogens for some time now in another non-profit and I'm seeing medicinal extracts that in studies outperform every known antidepressant, even ADHD medication, Alzheimers, and so much more, and this knowlegde gets supressed as well as the knowlegde of kava, all the while profitseeking companies now are destroying the trust in the field, by selling hyped capsules, placebo medicines, microdosing and what have you, so that the real efforts get's drowned in incompetence of companies now busy greenwashing, not to mention healthwashing and even pridewashing their images.

My background is as a intercultural and international socialworker and have been studying anthropology these last years, and now focus most of my attention on innovative social disruption and have become inspired by David Graebers work, I have also started a kava-club here in Copenhagen, as well as non-profits working with adaptogens extracts, therapy etc, and I volunteer alot doing addicitonsupport, as well as teach and write about circular sustainable theory and systemic approaches.

The core principles of this approach lies in aiding, teaching and working for something that is so good, altruistic and useful yet still bordering illegal, as to one ends up shifting public opinion to one's and the publics own, advantage and creates debate and positive skepticism to the established systems who are in a stagnating process and thus cannot undergo the same transformation alone.
Alternative methods is then used by organizing efforts, though still methodically and the data are collected to show the differences between pre-existing and the new, for example a freer approach to natural medicines, kava etc.
If there is an intervention from the governments, a lot of collectively organized noise is then made through channels such as newspapers, social networks, lectures and demos and the previously collected data is set up in black and white so that the people turn against the interventions in exactly the same way as politicians ride on waves of outcry at individual cases for popularty, which always then turns into meaningless laws with no science to back it up.
The difference here is that one is ruled by politicians with the people in affect, the other is controlled by the people with politicians / the stagnant established in affect.
Not only in academia but also natural medicine even psychedelic therapy we're seing patent-based land grabbing, which is only a continuation of the issue so this most be non-profit with altruistic motives to have any effect.

We will at first meet virtually an hour or so once every second Week to share knowlegde, methods and inspiration as to how we're working locally to push our governments to take kava seriously.

Later funds can be applied for, to make and support events, send out materials, create multilingual websites, and help alcohol addictioncenters learn about kava and support and inspire grassroot communties in other countries struggling for the same obejctives with knowlegde, flyers, kava to hand out etc,

I've already bought domains dedicated to spread facts about kava, and also got a meeting coming up to teach a group about adaptogens and kava, and I made a folder about the benefits of kava to our freecity Christiania, which is an old part of Copenhagen Denmark, where hippies occupied a large part of the downtown in the 60's, which later got donated to them to continue living and organizing for themselves.
Today there's a lot of cannabis being sold, but they're looking to shut it down due to the unrest it has brought and still do and many people here are addicted and both alcohol and cannabis are keeping them unproductive, paranoid, and often mentally ill.

Therefore my first objective is to help them set up a way to sell or distibute kava there dispite our laws, as police most likely will look the other way focusing on the cannabis.

This is a good setup for the approach mentioned but the general principles can be applied in many ways and when working together sharing, know-how, studies, and give each other moral support because it will not be easy swaying our legal systems by ourself, then this might actually work.

I incourage everyone living in these lattitudes to get in touch and come join our firs meeting this next Sunday local time 20.00/08pm (Zoomlink will be sent out shortly before)

Get in touch:

Email me on [email protected]
Add me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stefan.johansen.98/
Telegram/Signal number: +4528936032

Look forward seing you, bula!
Do you have a copy of the law (English translation) which states that kava is illegal in northern Europe?
I would be interested in the wording they use.
Is it specific to Denmark? I mean does each separate country in northern Europe
have their own law which states that kava is illegal to possess?

"pushing for legalization of kava in nothern Europe"


Yaqona Dina
I like your goal, and wish you luck. However, I'm not a fan of your strategy.
Today there's a lot of cannabis being sold, but they're looking to shut it down due to the unrest it has brought and still do and many people here are addicted and both alcohol and cannabis are keeping them unproductive, paranoid, and often mentally ill.

Therefore my first objective is to help them set up a way to sell or distibute kava there dispite our laws, as police most likely will look the other way focusing on the cannabis.
For decades, kava has been consumed in New Zealand almost exclusively by the Pacific Island diaspora who make up around 10% of the population. Incidentally, this demographic is at the bottom of the ladder in terms of socio-economic status in that nation.
As a result, New Zealanders of European descent (70% of the population) appear to have formed the perception that kava is the drug of the poor brown man. It's an unfortunate stigma that prevents wider adoption of kava as a beverage.

My point being, trying to get kava off the ground in Europe by starting with fringe communities filled with alcohol and cannabis addicts who are "unproductive, paranoid, and mentally ill" might not be a smart way to get kava accepted by the masses.

Michael Nielsen

Kava Enthusiast
Do you have a copy of the law (English translation) which states that kava is illegal in northern Europe?
I would be interested in the wording they use.
Is it specific to Denmark? I mean does each separate country in northern Europe
have their own law which states that kava is illegal to possess?

"pushing for legalization of kava in nothern Europe"
This is the responce i got from the danish
authority that deals with food. There is another authority that deals with medicine.

You can translate it using google translate.

I have also attach a pdf file that is mentioned in the text.

There are the medical authority that might label the kava product as medicine. And you are not allowed to import medicine by mail or to sell medicine to the public without permission. But kava in the form of roots or grinded powder does not catch the medical authority attentions. But capsules or extract might do.

The there is the food authority they consider kava not safe, it has not been cleared as an novel food.

This means that you can not sell kava or served it to the public (open a kavabar)

But nothing stops you from order kava powder, and drink it in private or share a few shells with friends in a private setting.

Kære Michael

Roden af piper methysticum kan muligvis være medicin/narkotika afhængig af koncentrationen. Det er ikke Fødevarestyrelsens regler, så vejledning om regler om et eventuelt medicinsk brug kan fås hos Lægemiddelstyrelsen.

Som fødevare betragtes roden af piper methysticum som en såkaldt novel food i EU. Det betyder, at den ikke lovligt kan markedsføres i EU, før den eventuelt er blevet godkendt hverken i en lukket personkreds eller bredt til offentligheden. Der er i øjeblikket en ansøgningsproces i gang for netop kavadrik, men det er meget sandsynligt, at denne ikke bliver godkendt, da der er sikkerhedsmæssige betænkeligheder ved roden.

DTU har i 2015 foretaget en risikovurdering af roden, som jeg har vedhæftet. Den viser, at indtagelse af kavadrik er forbundet med bl.a. kraftige leverskaber. Det kan derfor ikke anbefales at indtage drikken.

Du spørger til, om der er forskel på, om det er til offentligheden eller til en lukket personkreds fx medlemmer i en forening.

Fødevarestyrelsens regler gælder kun for markedsføring og altså ikke, hvad du gør i privatsfæren. Privatsfæren er nærmere beskrevet i autorisationsvejledningen, afsnit 3-5, især afsnit 4 og med nogle eksempler i afsnit 5. Her kan du læse, om aktiviteterne i din forening hører til privatsfæren. Det kan fx være privatsfære, når man som led i et arrangement i en forening serverer mad.

Autorisationsvejledningen kan findes på Fødevarestyrelsens hjemmeside:


At drikken indtages i privatsfæren, gør dog ikke drikken mindre sundhedsmæssig betænkelig og kan ikke på nogen måde anbefales, selv om det ikke er omfattet af Fødevarestyrelsens regler!

Håber dette besvarer dit spørgsmål.

Med venlig hilsen

Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
Fødevarestyrelsen I Stationsparken 31-33 I 2600 Glostrup I Tlf.: +45 72 27 69 00 I fvst.dk/kontakt I www.fvst.dk


Last edited by a moderator:

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
This is the responce i got from the danish
authority that deals with food. There is another authority that deals with medicine.

You can translate it using google translate.

I have also attach a pdf file that is mentioned in the text.

There are the medical authority that might label the kava product as medicine. And you are not allowed to import medicine by mail or to sell medicine to the public without permission. But kava in the form of roots or grinded powder does not catch the medical authority attentions. But capsules or extract might do.

The there is the food authority they consider kava not safe, it has not been cleared as an novel food.

This means that you can not sell kava or served it to the public (open a kavabar)

But nothing stops you from order kava powder, and drink it in private or share a few shells with friends in a private setting.

Kære Michael

Roden af piper methysticum kan muligvis være medicin/narkotika afhængig af koncentrationen. Det er ikke Fødevarestyrelsens regler, så vejledning om regler om et eventuelt medicinsk brug kan fås hos Lægemiddelstyrelsen.

Som fødevare betragtes roden af piper methysticum som en såkaldt novel food i EU. Det betyder, at den ikke lovligt kan markedsføres i EU, før den eventuelt er blevet godkendt hverken i en lukket personkreds eller bredt til offentligheden. Der er i øjeblikket en ansøgningsproces i gang for netop kavadrik, men det er meget sandsynligt, at denne ikke bliver godkendt, da der er sikkerhedsmæssige betænkeligheder ved roden.

DTU har i 2015 foretaget en risikovurdering af roden, som jeg har vedhæftet. Den viser, at indtagelse af kavadrik er forbundet med bl.a. kraftige leverskaber. Det kan derfor ikke anbefales at indtage drikken.

Du spørger til, om der er forskel på, om det er til offentligheden eller til en lukket personkreds fx medlemmer i en forening.

Fødevarestyrelsens regler gælder kun for markedsføring og altså ikke, hvad du gør i privatsfæren. Privatsfæren er nærmere beskrevet i autorisationsvejledningen, afsnit 3-5, især afsnit 4 og med nogle eksempler i afsnit 5. Her kan du læse, om aktiviteterne i din forening hører til privatsfæren. Det kan fx være privatsfære, når man som led i et arrangement i en forening serverer mad.

Autorisationsvejledningen kan findes på Fødevarestyrelsens hjemmeside:


At drikken indtages i privatsfæren, gør dog ikke drikken mindre sundhedsmæssig betænkelig og kan ikke på nogen måde anbefales, selv om det ikke er omfattet af Fødevarestyrelsens regler!

Håber dette besvarer dit spørgsmål.

Med venlig hilsen

Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
Fødevarestyrelsen I Stationsparken 31-33 I 2600 Glostrup I Tlf.: +45 72 27 69 00 I fvst.dk/kontakt I www.fvst.dk
I added the English translation of the PDF to your post.

lol, they say it causes cancer and makes your liver fall out... when we have a plethora of recent scientific research that suggests the exact opposite. People want to believe they know something about this plant and end up demonizing the shit out of it.


Kava Curious
I like your goal, and wish you luck. However, I'm not a fan of your strategy.

For decades, kava has been consumed in New Zealand almost exclusively by the Pacific Island diaspora who make up around 10% of the population. Incidentally, this demographic is at the bottom of the ladder in terms of socio-economic status in that nation.
As a result, New Zealanders of European descent (70% of the population) appear to have formed the perception that kava is the drug of the poor brown man. It's an unfortunate stigma that prevents wider adoption of kava as a beverage.

My point being, trying to get kava off the ground in Europe by starting with fringe communities filled with alcohol and cannabis addicts who are "unproductive, paranoid, and mentally ill" might not be a smart way to get kava accepted by the masses.
I can see what you mean, although this is not the same case here. We have mostly egalitarian systems in place and there's no clashes of etnicity on the scale you've been seeing. They're preparing for legalization of cannabis it seems as well and many are very open minded. They crack down on organized sale of cannabis in Christiania but most likely would love for them to begin using kava instead and look the other way while of course at first only the more liberal and free spirited people who frequent the place will adopt the use of kava, but it really does spread and our community here is growing. If something works to the benefit of society it's not given that it will become inplemented here either and a lot of stubbornminded old farts has way to much say in the political processes still, but if it continuiosly is shown to have great impacts on the lives of people they can change they standpoints and most of them just have never even heard of kava.


Kava Curious
If anyone interested we will meet up tonight at 19/7 pm. Local time (Copenhagen)

Hey everyone! We'll be meeting at 19.00/7 pm. tonight for a informal chat as well as discuss ideas of how to move forward with the group. Bring a little kava and let's get to know eachother foremost here at first. Stefan Johansen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Nordic Kava Association
Time: Oct 24, 2021 07:00 PM Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 503 630 1920
Passcode: 8XVc8m