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Storage of Kava


Kava Curious
I wonder what is the most recommended way to keep your kava its freshest. Is there any concern over just always keeping it frozen and then using it straight from the freezer as needed? I use to do this, but I heard in one of the kavasseur podcasts that there is some concern over freezing powdered root?


Kava Curious
That seems like a good way to go. Although I do wonder why it works for fresh kava to be frozen like Paradise's, if powdered root has any issues.


Kava Enthusiast
It shouldent have any issues. But I think fresh kava needs to stay cold and moisturized or it will dry out. Powered kava is dry so there is no need to worry about storage. Maybe keeping it cold will keep it fresh?

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Powdered Root does well in a cool dry place with NO temperature fluctuations, or moisture. IF you remove air (vaccuum seal) the bag in addition to this, all oxidization will halt and that kava will be good indefinitely. I know of 10 year old Mahakea powder which is in great shape because of proper storage.
Frozen kava should remain frozen or thawed in the fridge for use.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I agree with Adil on this. Air and moisture in your stash will make your kava get old faster. I found this out first hand. Luckily it didn't affect it too much. I just don't have a vacuum sealer for my jars.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
BTW, the ultimate time in the fridge is 3 years. I never had a problem with Tongan (KavaByRex) until the very last batch. I picked up my mouse and slammed it into my keyboard. I love Queen Elizabeth II, but she can sometimes really irk me. (I'm autistic, and the British accent just makes her sound bitchier than she really is, so sometimes she'll accidentally trigger a meltdown, especially over a CDMA cellular network). In the future, I won't let anything go past two years.

I was keeping Tongan in reserve because, if you drink too much of it, it won't "Tong." Or maybe I just needed a higher root:water ratio. For those unfamiliar with my term, Tongan kava gives you the feeling that you've just had the world's most brilliant idea, although there's no thought behind that idea. It's just a sudden lightbulb above one's head. I refer to that sensation as being "Tonged."