Kava Enthusiast
Greetings, If someone touched on this subject before I must have missed it. Anyway after repeated uses my strainer bag gets a kind of kava funk going that at times can bother me. A little background-I make kava every night and usually after a week or so the bag (one of those colorful Fiji silk bags) starts to get a little clogged from resin build up. It also gets a smell that at times (generally the morning after) can repulse me. I do rinse it out real good after I'm done squeezing at the end of the night or the next morning. What I have been doing is spraying it down with Shout fabric cleaner and then washing it with my clothes. This does work fine but I was wondering if anyone else had a trick for keeping their bag clean. Maybe I should just buy more bags and just get over it but figured I'd ask here before I wasted the money on more bags instead of some new kind of kava.
Many thanks, Ben
Many thanks, Ben