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Strainer bag question


Kava Enthusiast
The strainer bag I'm using is one that I got from kona kava farm. Their root powder is really really fine, and so the strainer I got from them is really fine too. It looks something like these....

Anyway, I'm currently working my way through a batch of melo melo from BKH and still using the same bag, though I think it might be a better idea to use a coarser bag with this stuff to allow more of the root to soak through when straining?

One other question, how long after consuming kava should you wait before having a meal? I'm absolutely starving by the time I get around to drinking the kava!


What I do with finer kavas is put the kava in pantyhose, and then put that inside a normal (I use a traditional Fijian) strainer. Works great every time.

As for the meal I'm good to drink kava after about 3 hours, but everyone is different. I'd say 3 - 4 hours would be a good place to start.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
How I do it is I do 2 presses with a jelly strainer, which is very coarse nylon (and cheap!) after I take out the root I do a final strain with a strainer bag and that catches the stuff that got through the coarse strainer. Some people use paint strainer bags, but somehow I feel better using something that was actually meant for food. Maybe that's silly, but my thought is that products that aren't meant for food might be handled in ways that are unsanitary, during shipping paint strainers could have been in the same box with pesticides or who knows what else because it didn't matter.


Kava Curious
The very best kava extraction sacks are the Fijian kava bags.  Really fine, pretty designs (which kindof attracts new drinkers), and super sturdy, mine has lasted months and months with daily use.