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Straining kava required?


Kava Curious
since it is taking so much kava to get me umm krunked?  Is it advisable or does it do more if you don't strain the kava root and just drink it in some water?  I will be honest I just did this and so far it is hitting me much harder... just don't know if its a bad thing.


Kava Enthusiast
This is called the toss and wash. And yeah I'm pretty sure we've all done it before. Is it advisable, um idk, I know That it bombs my stomach the next day. But after a nice deuce all is well.


Kava Lover
el187joker said:
This is called the toss and wash. And yeah I'm pretty sure we've all done it before. Is it advisable, um idk, I know That it bombs my stomach the next day. But after a nice deuce all is well.
I had to read this twice.. The first time I thought it read, "after a nice douche"... After I read it a second time it made much more sense

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Straining is Kastom, and I always advise doing so. However, it's your choice.

Personally, I just drink more. Five shells last night, and one so far this morning.