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Strength and affordability?

Hello. I am fairly new to using kava, but I am looking for a rather intoxicating kava without having to spend $50+ for a pound. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Try kava by rex. They offer two awesome high DHM kavas at a great price. I think it's 27 bucks per pound, great deal. There's the Fiji waka which I find to be more sedating and overpowering, and then there's the Vanuatu isa/tudei which is a nice muscle relaxant with an almost narcotic feel to it.

The Boruguru by Bula kava house is nice too, at a good price, kind of stimulating in nature though, not the best bedtime kava. I haven't tried much of Judd's stuff though so that's about all I can say for his DHM varieties..

Hope that's of some help. Your mileage will vary..

(smiley: smokin)(smiley: nerd)


Kava Curious
I'd second kavalover's recommendations. In terms of price, kava by rex and Bula kava house can't be beat. What works for you will depend on what you want. I like Fiji waka and Vanuatu3 from kava by rex, for stronger kavas. Borogu from Bula doesn't really do it for me, but Boroguru works wonders for me, so much so that I don't drink it on work nights.
Thank you for all the help. I have just purchased Boroguru from Bula, and will be anxiously anticipating its arrival! I really wanted to try try the Isa/tudei and the Vanuatu3 from Kava by Rex but unfortunately they are out. I signed up for the alert message on KBR. Does anyone have an idea when they might be returning for sale?