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supplier i've not seen on here before...


Kava Enthusiast
Easy tiger. I've never bought their lawena product (stems or whatever it is). But their Waka* is great, and highly rated on kavaseurs blog. 
I will note that they are mysteriously slow. I live in New Zealand, where they are based, and it can take quite a while to get the product from them. I think they might be bringing it in from Fiji then distributing from Auckland. 

As far as I know, waka is all above board, roots and that's it. Their waka is very pale, with a fantastic aroma. My standard "everyday" mix is a 50/50 split of their Waka with JPT's Borogu. They complement nicely. The Fiji Waka doesn't have a very strong body effect, but it is the best tasting kava I've ever had (yeah, that's not saying much, but still!).