Kava Enthusiast
so last night around 1100 i was kinda of having some trouble getting sleepy(this is a problem as i had to be up for work at 530 for my sum-what physically demanding job) so i grabbed my leftover little more than a 1/3 gallon of boroguru from my kava new years party out of the fridge and took a shot( i had just ate a whole foot long sub around 900 as i wasnt planning on drinking kava) and found it surprisingly mild in flavor, so taking action fast before my that danm gag reflex kicked in, i boldly began taking shot after shot (not expecting to get down more than a few before it did). when they were going down so easily i decided if im gonna drink tonight might as well try and get a nice krunk on before bed so i had taken into acount my large meal and thought i would need more than my normal 2 cups to get me there so i just kept chain shooting one immediately after another(now beginning to see this as some kind of challenge) until i drank all of it in about 7 or 8 minutes. i then sat proudly(smiley: happy)(lol) at the foot of my bed (feeling really bloated as i was already full before all that kava) with a somewhat decent krunk and watched some tv. i fell asleep around 1200 and woke up around 130 having to piss like a madman. right away i began to get up i felt an overwhelming overall buzz. I was completely floored(smiley: eek) i got out of bed and began to make my way to the bathroom really kind of disoriented and tripped over the floorboard heater and ran into the wall after searching high and low for the light switch ((smiley: roll)). i stumbled into the bathroom and pissed on the lid that i forgot to lift up(yeah...i know... i am still amazed by that one...(smiley: grin)) i seriously was over whelmed and had no choice but to lie back down krunked out of my gourd. i fell back asleep shortly after but woke up around 300 feeling completely rested with no hope of going back to sleep. i almost called in sick this morning think it was gonna be really tired a couple hours into work. but i decided to go and felt surprisingly content all day. this was the time anything like this had happened to me. has anybody else ever woke up more krunk than when you went to sleep. it is a really weird feeling.