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Take 15% off our Fresh Frozen Kava!

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
We figured our Kava community at Yuku can use a few coupons to save on Paradise Kava's Purchases.
Here they are:
Coupon code- frozen15 gives you a huge 15% off our frozen kava. The batch in stock is the amazing and potent Mahakea. A light pulp, finely ground, which makes a great beverage. A few of us put away 4 pounds of fresh kava recently in a 8 hour session.
Yes, it's a great batch, even better when Hawaiian Music, ocean breeze and good company are involved. A timeless evening indeed! (smiley: wink)

Coupon code- taketenoff  gives you a 10% off your entire order on our website.

These coupons expire on the 15th of June so take advantage of them soon!

Have a mellow day~
the folks at Paradise Kava


Wow!! Huge thanks!!! I will most definitely have to use the 10% coupon!

You guys are great, just when I thought paradise kava co couldn't get any friendlier lol.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
If anyone is curious WHERE we had the 8 hour session, it was down at Uncle Robert's Kava Club, this last wednesday and our company was a living legend in the Kava world, Jerry Konanui.

The man because of whom we have a Hawaiian variety called Spotted Hiwa (would have been extinct otherwise) and the man who started the 'Awa Development Council with Ed Johnston back in the 80's

Here's a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9TCZJVAKyM

The song playing in the background is about the area we are in, Kalapana, Hawaii. A magical place indeed~

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Kavalover, come on over anytime! Kalapana has a nice volcano with perpetually flowing lava, great weather and that Old Hawaii feeling. Not to mention the 5 or 6 kava bars we have on this island alone!!


Kava Enthusiast
I snapped like a twig and have some more extract coming my way.  Though we didn't see Kalapana on foot (closest we got was the champaigne pond) we did see it from a helicopter that flew from Hilo.  I can honesty say that was the most fun vacation I have ever had and I have a few years on me.  Anyone thinking of going to Hawaii do the Big Island-I didn't see the other ones but loved it oh so much.  We explored the hell out of it (all the towns, the saddle road, black and green sand beaches, south point, Waipio valley and so much more)  11 0f 13 climate zones on that island.  It was great-it has only been 5 months and I already feel a NEED to get back.