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Testing my Limits...


So, like with everything in my life, I've been playing with my kava limits. I hit it hard last night and couldn't get to sleep until 2am. Idk if this normal, but when I used to drink, I had the same reaction. The more alcohol, the more energy.
I woke up this morning feeling wonky. Not nauseated or anything, just off (maybe krunked still?). Anyway, I ate and had some coffee, but felt the same. Thought I would give "hair of the dog" a shot. Made me calm down a bit and I've been slowly drinking throughout the day. It's 5 now and I'm getting some anxiety and crossed eyes. Is this normal? Should I worry about health repercussions? I know kava isn't addictive, but could I be experiencing a form of addiction?
What is your experience? Also, how much have you drank, say, in a weekend?
Thank You!
Also, I make sure I'm eating, taking vitamins, and am plenty hydrated with water and electrolytes. I don't feel terrible, kinda good. But, I use it for anxiety, but the cross eyed thing is making me anxious


The wonderful kava of Oz
Kava Vendor
Australian Importer
You may need to experiment with different cultivars, blends and brands. Some cultivars are better for anxiety than others. You may also find that with kava, 'less is more' in the sense that more is not always better.
KF approv - Forney logos with bowl 02-09-22.png


You may need to experiment with different cultivars, blends and brands. Some cultivars are better for anxiety than others. You may also find that with kava, 'less is more' in the sense that more is not always better.
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Thank you for your response. Out of curiosity, which cultivars would be better for anxiety? Also, as far as the amount, what would be a good stopping point to reduce anxiety?
I notice that I don't feel the effects until I'm a few shells in. Then there is a fine line between the right amount and taking too much. However, I notice that I don't know I've had too much until it's too late... especially since I don't normally get the nausea.


Kava aficionado
Out of curiosity, which cultivars would be better for anxiety
My 2 cents, and to expand on Ozkava's answer, it will also depend on your reaction to different cultivars, most people find balanced or heavier kavas more effective at managing anxiety, while there is a small subset of people that have the opposite experience/reaction. On dosing, be sure to wait around an hour (or more) between servings, so that you can figure out the right quantity for you. You may find yourself with a low tolerance which will save you a bunch of dough in the long run.


My 2 cents, and to expand on Ozkava's answer, it will also depend on your reaction to different cultivars, most people find balanced or heavier kavas more effective at managing anxiety, while there is a small subset of people that have the opposite experience/reaction. On dosing, be sure to wait around an hour (or more) between servings, so that you can figure out the right quantity for you. You may find yourself with a low tolerance which will save you a bunch of dough in the long run.
Good point! I think I've been reaching for the headier varieties, looking for the mood boost that I can take during the day. I do this with the idea that all kava reduces anxiety. I could be wrong?
Also, I do tend to have a low tolerance to most things. So, I'm probably inadvertently taking too much, too fast. As a result, I begin seeing adverse effects...