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The Blender?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I've never used a blender to prepare kava before. For those that do, how long do you run it through the blender?
Instead of telling my friend to sit there for 30-40 minutes preparing Boroguru by hand to get the full potential out of it, I'm going to just have him run it through a blender.
I just need a guideline to put down for him when I write the instructions.


Kava Enthusiast
i got a tribest blender and always blend for 1 minute between squeezing

i never knead, just squeeze through the strainer


Kava Enthusiast
My little Hamilton Beach blender would die if I blended too long (I already killed one), but I blend for maybe a minute and a half in 10-second bursts.


Kava Enthusiast
I normally use a stick blender and toss and wash after about a minute. Sometime I use the regular blender and then knead for a few minutes after.


Kava Enthusiast
I bought my blender solely for the purpose of preparing kava and now it is collecting dust. When I first read up on different preparation methods, I chose the blender because I am lazy. Blending the root seems to make it so fine that straining is virtually impossible. Straining through a nylon after blending didn't work because no liquid would come through. I also killed a perfectly good French Coffee Press trying to separate the solids out after blending.

I find that I get greater effects by simply shaking my dry root and warm water in a 1 liter soda bottle in short bursts for about 10 minutes (mainly to fully saturate the root powder). I then pour the contents into the nylon stocking I use (over the kava bowl of course) and proceed to knead and squeeze for 15-20 minutes. There is something to be said about the way traditional peoples prepare kava.

If I decide to do a second wash, I'll empty the remains in the stocking back into my soda bottle with 1 TBL spoon of fresh kava, and repeat. Frequently the second wash gets me more krunk than the first (if I do this after the effects of the first wash have worn off). Of course, YMMV.


Kava Curious
I sometimes use my Magic Bullet (google it - totally awesome, I use it for all kinds of things - easy to clean) when I have rootlets to make it easier and perhaps faster to knead.  I am lazy and have a hard time sitting still. 5 minutes seems like an hour and 10 seems like an eternity. I can manage the 5-barely.  I do not like it micronized (post coming on that!)


Kava Curious
Forgot to say, I do this dry and then put it in my strainer for kneading and then I put it in a quart canning jar with a lid and near boiling water. 1/4 kava 2 cups water. Then I shake it as vigorously as I can for up to a minute - that's tough on me though. Then I let it sit with the lid off until it cools to where I can knead it in the same jar. Drink. I love this method. Not very sexy but clean and streamlined. And takes less kneading on my part.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Thanks for all the info. Some of you got some very interesting blender methods.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
Pulsating I think is important with a traditional blender. Start-stop-start-stop for short bursts. Kind of the same thought process of breaking up ice in a blender.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Yeah I would do it for about 1-2 minutes and then strain (no kneading) when I was working with the blender. Count me in as one of the people who is generally pretty lazy but prefers traditional.

kl.Cocos kava

Kava Curious
I use a blendtec which is a three hp blender. The more you beat the pulp out of your kava the better. Then i strain it threw a paint strainer and squeeze it until its dry and i cant get any more liquid out. depending on how long I feel like waiting i sometimes let it sit for hours and steep. i really like the fu'u kava i just mix it and drink since its so fine and you cant really strain it.How many people use lecithin? Do you think it makes it stronger or better?


Kava Enthusiast
I always blend, and always for three to four minutes.  The blending does tend to make the kava slurry a bit finer and easier to strain (and I guess more potent for that reason - a lot more root winds up making it into the grog itself).  I drink relatively small quantities - usually 2tbsp.


Kava Curious
i always use the blender now for 4 minutes and then strain. I'm way to lazy to knead but I find I still get the same effect from blending it. The only problem is that my wife is on my ass because of the smell