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I Love Kava Friday The first of 2018

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Sitting in a sunny window, listening to the first babe Ruth album on quadraphonic 8 track full blast, drinking “low kL Tongan” 1:1 with taveuni’s lawena. Life is good. Bula to everyone.

Correction, third album. Whatevs.
I know it isn’t up to Kwk standards, it’s “weak” and it tastes quite piney, but this low kL Tongan mike was kind enough to let me buy, the effects are wonderful. It feels great. It’s almost a shame there isn’t a market or a vendor for kava like this. I blend it for flavor and it is fine to drink, and of course it goes as good in mongrel grog and flakes and powder as any “better” kava. Above all, for me! It just feels really good.


Kava aficionado
I just had my first shell a moment ago, happy 2018 Friday you all. :) I am changing the rules by krunking first and working later, lol.


Bula To Eternity
Woke up on Jan 1st with a diaper and an empty bottle of kava. I can never figure how these things happen to me.


Kava Lover
It was close. I almost had a no kava Friday...for some reason I always think I have more time to reorder then I really do. This time GHK was a little slow getting it out over the holidays so I had to jump on amazon and order up some Kava Supreme. Arrived just in time last night! Crisis averted!


Kava Enthusiast
About half way through my ""tanoa"" (I use that term loosely here) of Nambawan/Nangol. Feeling might fine, mighty fine.

Bula to you all, stay warm if you're up north, pthlpppppp to you if you're someplace warm.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
::kavaleaf:: I just add Kava·Supreme to every kava I buy now and they're all better because of it. ::KavaChug::