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Kava Physiology The Shield Effect


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I was going to put this in off topic but you know...this is totally on topic. Thanks to @Kapmcrunk I have decided to try and refine our definition of the "Shield effect" so we can give those unfamiliar with the term something to help put it into context for them.

The Shield Effect

Time and time again I have read posts that mentions “The Shield Effect”. I felt compelled to post a more refined definition and detail analysis of the Shield Effect. To refine the definition of the Shield Effect lets analyze some of the current ideas about the human body and energy fields.
Hindus, Buddists, Zoroastrians, and other spiritual practices all have the concept of Auras within them. Some depict physical manifestations of Auras and others describe it as a mental and emotional impression. We know that electromagnetic fields are produced by living cells and that this enables communication between nerve cells and the actuation of muscle tissue. According to the Center for Space Power and Advanced Electronics the human body has the capability to produce 11,000 watt hours. That is enough energy to potentially power 1 home...from a human body.

So it exists...right? We have Theological, philosophical and scientific accounts of “Auras” or “The Shield Effect”. But why does it have to be one or the other?

Kava effects us both physically and mentally. Along with all the physical sensations many of us have experienced shifts in our perspectives, thoughts and beliefs. It has resulted in the adoption of healthier life styles and states of mind for many of us. Would we have one without the other? I'm not convinced we would.

Now here is were the description starts and the point were I'm just getting the proverbial ball rolling.

Our daily lives bring us into close proximity with other people on a regular bases. We have mental and emotional exchanges with some of those people which in turn generates positive, negative or neutral emotions by both individuals. This mental and emotional exchanges leads me to believe that this shield of energy we mention so many times is both a physical manifestation that we can collide with as well as a mental and emotional impression. Can we have one without the other? Yes, But together they form a concept with a much deeper meaning than they would individually.

So what does it look like? Lets take this 1 step at a time.

The Basic Shield (fig 1 & 1.1)
We all have one, spiritually and physically, larger ones and smaller ones, impenetrable and permeable ones. Each of us has our own distinct frequency...a “vibe” so to speak. They are made up of the stuff that is the sum of our experiences, personal beliefs and emotions (and perhaps even more). It's an energy field that can be pushed on and penetrated by others, expanded and contracted according to our moods, physical health and thoughts.

The Link and Flowing energy (fig 2 & 2.1)
This one is a little tricky. Yes, the shield is a barrier but that's not it's only possible function. Picture a semipermeable membrane. It lets certain things in while keeping other things out. Within this channel a flow of energy back and forth between the two interacting individuals takes place and at some point both energy bubbles intersect and bond (well maybe). People can emit positive or negative energy so the possible interaction between two distinct energy fields depends on the circumstances and perceptions of the individual in question. But...that is beyond the scope of this brief and very basic description of “The Shield Effect”.

The Shield Effect, I would propose, is both the physical manifestation and the mental and emotional impressions of our physical awareness.


Kava Enthusiast
I have a somewhat different perspective about the "shield effect". I see a shield as more of a hindrance that we natural draw upon as a defence mechanism from our hectic, stressful lives. In other words, the more stress, the more we raise our shields to protect ourselves from the societal threats. Kava kava allows one to lower their shield, relax, and be more one with their surroundings. I believe people outside of our bubble can sense the lowered force field and are attracted instead of repelled.

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Deleted User01

I take a simplistic approach. As we cruise into the weekend, I beg Chief Engineer Vetka to put all Shields Up. The shields will protect us from all kinds of things that might ruin our weekend. Anxiety, personal demons, nerve racking people (hey, why are you guys looking at me when I say that). It could be like the guardian angel that is supposed to protect us and shield us from the outside world and shield us from ourselves. I really like the term as does everyone in the Forum. A little Kava on the weekend really, really fortifies the shields.


Bula To Eternity
Hi vekta,

This is an awesome thread that I would like to include in the Kavapedia as a reference item.

If you don't mind, could you edit the name of your thread and add the thread prefix "Kava Effects" to it the name of your thread? It will then get added to The Kavapedia Digest!!

Thanks in advance
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Bula To Eternity
Thanks vekta,

It's now in the Kavapedia, but I have a bug I haven't been able to fix yet. If you don't mind could you remove the quotes from the title? I hope to get that fixed soon, but no one can view it until I do.

Thanks very much vekta.



Kava Padawan
@Vekta I have noticed it here and there before and it's not every time i drink kava, I think different strains may alter this effect, but I was well into some PK Fijian during a (stressful for me due to social anxiety...) large wedding reception a couple weekends ago and really noticed this effect. I felt more at ease and didn't feel out of place even though it wasn't my family and didn't know many people there. I walked by a room where the majority of people were gathered in anticipation of the bride and groom arriving and could actually feel the energy (bubble, if you will) bulging out of the doorway and my kava shield/aura/what-have-you kinda bounced off of that and I continued down the hallway.

The kava shield/aura effect actually stayed with me well into the night that evening. It's like I soaked in all of the positive emotional energy of the friends and family and it stayed like a warm light in the center of my being. A very interesting and somewhat enlightening experience overall. Kava has, if nothing else, boosted my ability to be more of myself in these kind of situations and to recognize moments such as these.

Deleted User01

Vekta, does the shield effect protect against negative energy but allow positive energy or does it repel both? I subscribe to the same pragmatic theory as Kavalot but your explanation is way more interesting and scientific. The "shield effect" may be many things to different people but it is a very powerful phrase that you invented.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
@Deleted User01 Well I can only speak for myself. "protect" wouldn't be the word I'd use...

I'd describe it more like deflect and absorb. Imagine a stream of water hitting a mesh screen and turning into a spray.

Deleted User01

Ok, I can picture that. So does it deflect both negative and positive or can it distinguish between the two? Or does it deflect the negative and absorb the positive?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Let say I threw something at you? What would be your most basic reaction? To protect yourself right?

Like I was saying before, the "shield" is expanded and contracted by our moods, physical health and thoughts. If I encounter positive energy I'm going to absorb as much of that as I can. If it's negative I'm going to protect myself.

I hope that answer makes sense.

Deleted User01

Yup, it makes sense. Looking for love in all the right places.


Kava Padawan
For me anyway, I don't get caught up in any swirls of negative energy when I'm out and about. It is a deflector shield of sorts. I can acknowledge it and may even process it in my mind a different way than usual. It's like, "Oh so it's like that huh..." then I'm done with it and on my way instead of maybe taking it too personally or think too much about whatever injustice it might be. Gives you more time and space to give/receive all the positive energy you may encounter. When kava is active there is nothing like "the straw that broke the camel's back". Those little life stresses every day are just easier to let go.