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The Social Stigma of Kava - Do your friends think you're a "druggie"?


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I've only had a few negative experiences like that... For the most part, it's been nothing but (apparently) eye opening experiences to people. Usually when I mention that I don't drink alcohol because I much prefer kava the only response is that they'd like to try it. I've had a few bad run ins where people assume I'm in it for the quick high - This is why I always make sure to include that the reason I drink kava is because I'd like to relax without the potential of getting stupidly intoxicated, as with alcohol. This usually gets their attention to the right area at least.. But hell, if their mind is closed their mind is closed, some people just refuse to learn about new things.


Kava Curious
This is why I always make sure to include that the reason I drink kava is because I'd like to relax without the potential of getting stupidly intoxicated, as with alcohol.
That's good.  That's a quick way to make alcohol seem the more "evil" of the two.  I need to remember that.
I don't bother trying to explain it to people unless they know me well.  Then they give me the benefit of the doubt, since I'm not the kind of person to experiment with anything risky.
When the "legal high" label comes up, I don't try to convince them that kava is not a legal high, because it is.  But then again, so is alcohol.  I explain the effects as a light version of alcohol (all the good, none of the bad).  Then get into studies on safety/side effects.
Basically, point out how bad alcohol is, then sell the miracle that is kava, backed by studies and thousands of years use.  People seem to follow this since alcohol use is considered "normal", yet everyone knows of its problems.


Kava Lover
First I tell them that it's a substance that is ilegal in most of the world and I shoot it up though the veins in between my toes. Just kidding. I explain it as a cultural and ceremonial drink that has been used for thousands of years and exhibits effects that to me are like a cross between alcohol and cannabis but without making me feel stupid or making it difficult function and explain that it actually makes me think faster and smoother.


Kava Enthusiast
Pretty much everyone in New Zealand has an idea of what kava is and many people have tried it. So usually the worst negative response you will get is something like "yuck, that muddy water".


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Krunkedout said:
First I tell them that it's a substance that is ilegal in most of the world and I shoot it up though the veins in between my toes. Just kidding. I explain it as a cultural and ceremonial drink that has been used for thousands of years and exhibits effects that to me are like a cross between alcohol and cannabis but without making me feel stupid or making it difficult function and explain that it actually makes me think faster and smoother.
Haha right on.
"Kava ruined my life!" - No one, ever


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I've only gotten that kind of reaction once or twice in the 15+ times I've talked about or introduced kava to someone. It's not that they see me as a druggy, they're basically just afraid of kava because they don't know anything about it.


Kava Lover
Vekta said:
I've only gotten that kind of reaction once or twice in the 15+ times I've talked about or introduced kava to someone. It's not that they see me as a druggy, they're basically just afraid of kava because they don't know anything about it.
people are always afraid of the unknown


Kava Enthusiast
People use their refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine but look down on anything else.

It's all the same, use and moderation and stay away from physically addictive stuff.

Kava could of ended up illegal. Imagine someone breaking down your door and taking you to live in a cage because you have kava.

It's ridiculous.


Kava Enthusiast
Krunkedout said:
Vekta said:
I've only gotten that kind of reaction once or twice in the 15+ times I've talked about or introduced kava to someone. It's not that they see me as a druggy, they're basically just afraid of kava because they don't know anything about it.
people are always afraid of the unknown
Not James T Kirk.


Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I usually wind up convincing people I'm a religious nut-job, because I always put it into the context of Cargo Cultism and the Prince Philip Movement.


Kava Curious
I remember I did a talk 12 years ago in college about kava.  At the end, one student gave me a dirty look and said, "so basically it's legal extacy?"  The teacher made some comment about her class learning about benzos and overall it was not well recieved.  What I should have done is brought in my big tanoa and made a huge bowl of kava for everyone to try!  Early on I used to have large "Kava Parties" at the beach or my house.  Most people who came loved it.  Nobody who ever came to the parties saw it as anything other than a cool new cultural experience.