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I Love Kava Friday Threedei Weekend!


Kava Enthusiast
I love that, "If it's brown, chug it down!"
You guys have some fancy ideas, relaxing and restorative weekend! It is possible for me, however, to accomplish that, I'll have to be relaxed and restoring while I'm at work during the labor day rush! There are no days off and it is scheduled to be especially busy. I suppose kava drinking money for next week will be preferable.

We had a cold night, in the mid 30sF, and dangerously close to a garden-killing frost. Now warm and sunny again, tomorrow supposed to be hot and sunny! Exciting time of year everyone.

today I'll have one shell of Squanch before I run into town to get groceries and rent money. It will be a strong one, not just because it is before lunchtime for me,but because the brewer - me, is going to make it pack a wallop, therby fulfilling my intention to relax and restore. Better get such things out of the way early ;) haha. Have ordered Squanch waka plus a ceremonial kit from Fiji Vanua and asked Chris from Gourmet Hawaiian Kava for the Awa Panaewa.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
A good video of rural Fiji style harvest and processing in Navuti village, Moturiki island. ::kavaleaf::

@kasa_balavu can you identify the cultivar? Long green internodes, with spots and grows a lot of waka with very little lawena?



Yaqona Dina
Haha, this guy. He's a foreign-raised Fijian discovering village life. I watch and enjoy all his videos but haven't seen this one and the latest yam one.

That's vula kasa balavu. Has spindly stems because of the shade. In my experience the waka to lewena ratio is down to age more than anything else. Lewena is a feature of older 4.5+ yr old plants.