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topical DMSO/kava mixture for arthritis

August West

Kava Enthusiast
I'm showing symptoms of arthritis in two of my fingers, also have had shoulder issues for years, and use dmso in conjunction with several natural anti inflammatories in hopes of slowing down the progression of this crummy disease. I've used this product both internally and externally for over a year now with things such as curcumin, bromelain, turmeric, and wobenzym. I am earnestly seeking alternative forms of therapy and medicine. I've been considering condensing some grog or buying some instant, and mixing it with some dmso for a topical solution. . I'll post some results once I get around to trying my little experiment.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I have one bottle of DMSO and it's sealed and wrapped up completely in plastic wrap. Garlic oysters are what people say it smells like, but man this stuff is rough. I gag just looking at the bottle.


Kava Curious
You might want to do a google search on arthritis , dairy and grains ( espcially gluten). Eliminated them for about 3 weeks. Bad arthritis in back significantly reduced.


Kava Enthusiast
DMSO will make you smell like a dirty diaper to put it mildly. There are much better transdermals than DMSO. Its really outdated. I think you can buy transdermal patches which you could put some ParadiseKava extract on for a local, direct delivery.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
I've used it for.quite a while now. I am familiar with the smell, but i've only smelled it after swallowing more than a tbsp, and the missus has never complained of the sulfur smell. I've never smelled it on me when using topically, although the strange sensation of tasting it quickly after you apply to a body part is quite strange. GDM, thanks for the input. I dates a chick for ten years that had siliac disease, so i'm quick to know what has gluten. And if I continue hurting, i'll consider it.