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Traditional tolerance and taking a break


Kava Curious
I've been using kava for about six months. I've taken several short breaks during that time ranging from 2-7 days, maybe 18 days of total break time. I've also taken NAC and Silymarin supplements to help protect my liver.

However, kava has become largely ineffective for me. I experienced a mild reverse tolerance in the beginning but now I'm running into what seems like regular tolerance. BKH Nambawan and others like Stone used to send me to space with relatively small amounts, but now even an entire cup is hit or miss, and when it works it's nowhere near what it was. It's been heading this way for a while so I don't think I'm getting weak batches or anything. I've tried several new cultivars in the last few months so it's not that I'm not rotating things. Apart from not working well, it's just become way too costly. When I started and "normal" amounts were effective kava was a pretty good value, but as your tolerance creeps up it gets stupid expensive.

So I'm taking a longer break in the hopes I will regain sensitivity to kava (and give my pocketbook a much needed rest). The question is, how long a break is needed to "reset" in regard to kava tolerance -- 2 or 3 weeks? Longer?
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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
This is a question I couldn't truly answer. My same 40 grams of borongoru has been doing roughly the same thing for a number of years now on a daily basis. Only speaking for myself of course. Everyone's physiology is different.


Kava Curious
Well I envy that. My need for a strong effect has about doubled over the last several months. Used to be about 4 tablespoons micronized or half a cup traditional. Now even 10 tablespoons of micronized Nambawan only has brief moderate effects, which I would have sworn wouldn't be possible because it would just floor me before. I seem to be in the minority with this experience. I see many statements on this forum like "there is no tolerance with kava" but if you look around the internet, tolerance does pop up as an issue for people here and there. And it is certainly not my imagination.