Firstly, I just want to say congratulations brother!
TRYING to get off alcohol and Vicodin is the first intention. You may have fallbacks (who doesn't) and you may make strides and then sort of fall back again. The two steps forward, one step behind may apply to people like us.
Yes, us, because I have my own story of being sober for six years and actually diving into the Kava business because I wanted to develop a medicine for my self (later developed a muscle salve just for my wife's neck issues).Such is life, we get into those things which help us right?
My advice is to do a bit of research and pick out a few different kavas to see which ones agree with you. There's a lot out there, and batch to batch at any vendors place will vary because it's a hightly self regulated industry (changes are happening, starting in Vanuatu, but it's slow) and the general quality of kava is getting better in the marketplace.
Keep in mind:
- The taste is hard at first. 2 cups later, it wont bother you. Try eating a small piece of caramelized ginger from a company called REEDS or any sweet fruit right after a cup. Really helps new comers get past the taste and more into the effect.
- You may need a bit more than normal (especially if you are desensitized to substances)
- Various kava's effect you differently and it's really person to person. For example, I am not a big fan of ISA in general, although a friend and mentor, Skip Bittenbender who is an academic and expert in the field of growing Excellent! Hawaiian Kava thru UH of Hawaii at Manoa; has a ISA kava break every afternoon. I'll drink it to make him happy, of course
but it's a doozie to see this man, who will have 6-7 Exquisite Hawaiian kavas for testing in a month at the kava festival, preferring Isa! Go Figure.
- Try lighter kavas. Carry a bottle of made up kava beverage to help you thru the day. When your body is totally sensitized to kava, try stronger, less volume solutions like extract, candy, instant, etc.
Hope this helps. I am passionate about this post because I've been there. All the best to you as you attempt to strike a balance in life. We're here if you need anything.