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Unforeseen effects of kava drinkin


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Last night I was suffering from a serious case of writer's block. The paper is due...well tomorrow...(smiley: laugh). I needed something to drink. Kava was out. I just had an excellent bowl of Paradise Hawaiian the day before yesterday. We didn't have any Jasmine tea. I was tired of apple juice and I'd finished 2 bottles of water during the day. I needed something different. So I got a cup of coffee. I was never a coffee drinker. I tried it once and it was bitter, like brewed pine needles...like...Isa kava only in hot water!(smiley: grin) I tried something called "Nantucket Blend"
(smiley: eek) That's good! Maybe it was the coffee maker we have. It's not the same one that gram-gram used...certainly not. It's nothing too impressive, just a Keurig. But that coffee was good. I could see myself having this for a hot desert. It was deeper and more complex than a cup of hot cocoa. It was rich and even had a little bit of creamy foam on top. 

I don't know...I'm thinking kava has trained my taste buds to appreciate certain flavors that I may not have before. The only down side to the experience was the horrific caffeine crash the next morning...and bouncing up and down in my chair for 5 hours while I got a lot of that paper done.(smiley: laugh)   Anyone else have some dramatic changes in tastes? Are there things you find taste really really good now that you didn't before? 
Luckily, I see a lot of coffee beans are also offer in decaffeinated version. I like the taste...a lot. But I'll pass on the caffeine. I did find some articles saying decaf coffee can have trace amounts of chemicals used in the decaffeinating process so I may have to experiment with tiny cups of coffee, maybe a Turkish brewing method. Kava...the gateway coffee! (smiley: laugh)