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Vanuatu 3 question

Hey kava friends! After enjoying my free samples from islandkava for pointing out an error on their site, I've finally settled on buying my first non-instant kava.. I was on the waiting list for Vanuatu3 from kavabyrex, and was notified of it's recent return, so for my first order ever of dried kava root powder, I'm getting one with impressive reviews!  I do want to try all the other high-ranking kavas but this sounded like a good one for having a small budget, it's supposed to be stronger by weight than regular kava, have heard a few stories on here about needing just a tablespoon or two, but I'm wondering.. on their website it doesn't mention it being stronger, in fact this is their basic chart for proportions:

Kava Powder to Water Proportions
for 1 Gallon

Kava Type

1 cup*
1 gallon

Fiji Waka
1 cup*
1 gallon

Tongan Pride
1 - 1 1/2 cup*
1 gallon

Vanuatu3 Kava
1 - 1 1/2 cup*
1 gallon
So, where did people hear it took less kava than normal, seems the same as the other ones according to their website directions?

I see some people have enjoyed increasing the amount per batch anyways, what do you folks who've tried Van3 think?

Looking forward to trying this kind of kava, and really liked my samples from islandkava of Fiji Waka, Hawaiian, and Tudei.  I can see the appeal of the Fiji Waka; good effect and great taste, and Hawaiian was really tasty and smooth, Tudei felt good too.  I only had 5-gram packages of each, so only got to use about a teaspoon per cup and only got a few cups per bag.  I'd like a nice big bag of Fiji Waka, and want to try the non-instant Fiji Waka from other sites too, whichever is considered the best if there is one. 



Kava Enthusiast
gosh i don't know... ever since i've started trying kava i've always done the 2 tablespoons per cup of water ratio-- and even with van3 i've stuck with that because its such a rare kava that's only sold a few times a year so i've wanted to conserve it.

but i will say that at this small amount of kava im using, i haven't had such great results as everyone seems to report. Maybe i will try upping it on my next batch.

I can tell you tongan pride can become a bit overwhelming if you use more than 2 tablespoons per cup of water because its pretty strong as it is. at least thats my opinion

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
The proportions given on the site seem acceptable although in my opinion more root to water would make a better, stronger drink. A couple tablespoons per gallon definitely wouldn't be enough. The less you use the more important it becomes to massage the kava mixture and fully saturate the fibers by soaking a long time or blending before squeezing. Keep in mind that the most important factor to making good kava is squeezing the mixture as dry as possible.

Don't forget to try store.bulakavahouse.com sometime. We haven't been reviewed here yet but there have been some posts with positive reviews. We currently have stocked three types of kava from Vanuatu and one from Tonga. Our prices are comparable to KBR and less than most other vendors.


I've been using a ratio of 4 tbsp kava per cup of water recently, as a general rule. I find that to be a nice comfortable place with many kavas. I will definitely be buying some of your kava soon, Judd. Or, better yet, I might take the two hour drive down to Portland and have a few shells with you :p

EDIT: I meant 4 tbsp of kava not 54. Could you imagine 54 tbsp kava per cup of water? lol..

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
kavalover said:
I've been using a ratio of 4 tbsp kava per cup of water recently, as a general rule. I find that to be a nice comfortable place with many kavas. I will definitely be buying some of your kava soon, Judd. Or, better yet, I might take the two hour drive down to Portland and have a few shells with you :p

EDIT: I meant 4 tbsp of kava not 54. Could you imagine 54 tbsp kava per cup of water? lol..

Or best of both worlds, kavalover.  Come on down, drink some kava, leave with some to make at home and avoid the shipping charge.