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Powdered Kava Review Vanuatu


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Boroguru is my favorite kava of all time. You just cannot beat it for affordability, potency and effect. When my old standby changed to a very fine grind, I was listless for awhile, then along came Chris with this perfectly ground and affordable boroguru. It also goes very, very well with his Tchap. Boroguru and Tchap in a 2:1 ratio is my "house blend" at the moment. It's hard to describe why this works but the Tchap kind of "takes the edge off" of the boroguru if that makes sense.

As far as grind and taste, the grind is perfectly medium and the taste is...well it tastes like Vanuatu kava, that's all I'm gonna say.

Onto the actual effects. It's rocket fuel. Mix up a big batch and drink it all. Just make sure you have a ::couch:: handy cause you're not going to be doing a whole lot of moving around afterwards.

Deleted User01

Nice review. House blend indeed. You have the house wine, the house scotch, the house Kava. What the hell did we ever do without the couch smiley??? I can't imagine how we ever lived without it. :LOL: How primitive we must have been back in those dark days. ::ricky::


Bula To Eternity
Great Review kdude!!! (y)
What was wrong with the grind of the other stuff you were using? Did it not strain well and leave a lot of sediment?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Great Review kdude!!! (y)
What was wrong with the grind of the other stuff you were using? Did it not strain well and leave a lot of sediment?
Exactly, it was super fine and the effects were not enjoyable not to mention it resulted in dermopathy with quickness. The exporters grinder or whatever broke and they still have not replaced it that I know of.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
You express a similar likeness to Boroguru as I @kavadude :happy:
My trusty katana, always the sharpest of the bunch for moi; so fancy yet cheap and proves its worth as a valiant steed every single time. :D
Ride on kavadude, ride on.::awesomesmiles::::happyshell::