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Varieties of Hawaiian 'Awa

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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi everyone, I was visiting with a good friend of mine and he is a long time kava Expert/Grower/Collector and he put together a picture of some of the varieties of 'Awa that we have here in Hawaii, this is not all of them but it gives you a good idea of the nice colors and other things that make the Hawaiian 'Awa look so nice. Not that any of the other kava in the world looks bad, I like the looks of all Noble kava all around the Pacific. (y)
I hope you all enjoy the picture. Aloha.


Deleted User01

If that's who I can think it is, that guy is a Kava researcher and grows kava in his backyard and drinks fresh kava whenever he wants. That's part of the burden of being a Kava researcher.:D

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
If that's who I can think it is, that guy is a Kava researcher and grows kava in his backyard and drinks fresh kava whenever he wants. That's part of the burden of being a Kava researcher.:D
Hay, it's a hard rough way of life but someone has to do it. :smug: Speaking of that hard life I better get back to testing some of the fresh harvested kava that I will be posting on my website soon as it is done. (y) Unless I decide to drink it all as fresh root. :hungry: That is why one day a long time ago when the president of the USA was thinking of making a 4 day work week. We all thought, well , we did not mind adding another day to our work week. :ROFLMAO: Now back to the fresh root, now back to the fresh root, now back to the fresh root. Wow after 3 of those shells I feel kind of warm and fuzzy all over, now back to the fresh root. :wacky: Aloha to all.


Deleted User01

I wonder if you could make Fresh Kava Root Grog, freeze it, can it, and sell in the frozen section of the grocery store? Ya know, right next to the frozen margarita mix. So on a commercial basis, you would have to hire 240 virgins to chew and spit around the clock. :ROFLMAO:

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava you know there's some untapped potential in selling fresh frozen kava. Just throwing that out there ;)
I know of the potential of fresh frozen kava but it is a lot more involved for me to do it the right way so that is why i do not do it now, maybe at a later point in time. I will leave you with this mouth watering picture, it was when a few friends of mine, one is the one Deleted User01 guessed and the other is a long time kava farmer and expert, JK. This is what there freezer looks like. :hungry:


Deleted User01

I know of the potential of fresh frozen kava but it is a lot more involved for me to do it the right way so that is why i do not do it now, maybe at a later point in time. I will leave you with this mouth watering picture, it was when a few friends of mine, one is the one Deleted User01 guessed and the other is a long time kava farmer and expert, JK. This is what there freezer looks like.
Come on @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, JK, is easy. Should I just call him Jer .... My old buddy Jer. I'm going to Hawaii to talk to my old buddy Jer. And me and Jer are going to check out my old buddy "The Freezer". :hungry: After that, Shakas and I are going on a snipe hunt to find Mokihana. But first, a little bit more of "The Freezer". :D

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava - I would be interested to see some pictures of your processing and grinding apparatus, too.
I am actually working on a "Fresh Harvest" Newsletter that will have pictures and a description of some of my processes. There is a different process for each grind. An example would be a hammer mill for my medium grind kava. Did you sign up to get my newsletter?
Here is a pictures that will be in the newsletter, this is my hammer mill and my micronizing machine.

There will be more pictures in the newsletter but I hope this will give you an idea of some of the equipment I use. Aloha.

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