I had an interesting experience last night. Had a few (4) 2 tsp servings of Realkava's instant over the course of probably 1.5 hrs and was feeling good then ate dinner (leftovers from the night before) about a half hour later. After that I sat down on the couch to watch TV and with very little warning, up came my dinner. (smiley: sick) I have no idea why this happened. I usually have an iron stomach and NEVER get sick. It's literally been years since the last time I was sick to my stomach. Fortunately I felt it coming and grabbed the trash can, but the whole thing has freaked me out a bit. I'm not sure if I ate too soon, drank too much of an unfamiliar kava, or maybe just maybe had a bit of a stomach bug. I doubt it was the food since my husband ate the same thing and was fine, not to mention that we both ate it the night before without issue. Anyone care to give an opinion? I didn't feel like I'd overdone it but I definitely don't want this to happen again and for me to associate kava with puking! (smiley: frown)