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wakanavu waka & lewena: shippes from within the US


Kava Curious
I am trying a pound of each (from Savu Savu iirc). They are beginning to ship stateside even though their store's default currency is New Zealand Dollars.

Both are extremely white & make a very light grog. Excellent (!) taste & great balanced effects. Neither the strongest nor most expensive, but extraordinarily 'clean.' They both dry my hands for the evening, but otherwise they didn't cause any disphoria or nausea when I had a but more than typical. I'd say that both are good for late afternoon or evening & would be a great choice for several shell without getting overkrunked.

I'm pleased with this kava & wanted to share my experience.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
We've definitely got a number of new vendors looking to break into the American Market. Thanks for sharing with us!