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Was told to try Kava

Hello. So I'm married. But because of some issues with immigration, we've been living in two different countries since 2009. It all comes down to money, which has been difficult making. Anyways when I don't talk to my wife within 4 days(roughly), i start to worry. I start to search logins from things I can see her logging into. Sending 2-3 emails. Eventually i text her, which always wakes her up.  And then I'm fine for another 4 days (roughly).   My friend Vekta has been tells me about Kava. He says it can help with that issue. Also it would help with me getting work done.Other than working at a fast foods restaurant. I have been learning and developing video games for the Windows Phone. Which has been going okay, but i feel its going slow. Vekta also tells me there are different kinds of kava out there. Which is where you guys come in, so im posting her to see if anyone has some suggestions on what to take. Maybe someone has something similar going on.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yeah man, I think it can help take the edge off the rough parts of your day. Sometimes I take kava before I start doing homework, especially homework that makes me want to roll around in a cactus patch rather than do the homework. You know, just something to level things out clear your mind. Stuff tends to come easier when you're mind isn't racing at a billion miles an hour. I know how much you like corn so I gotta tell ya, I do actually care how yer feelin. *insert appropriate mushy song here* Kava has helped a lot of us with a bunch of different things. Hopefully it'll do something positive for you to. Welcome to the Kava Lounge and I hope you really do give it a shot.


Kava Enthusiast
Since the primary active compounds in kava (kavalactones) vary in different strains as well as each person responds differently, it is good to try several and find the best one for you.

Strains from Fiji or Tonga tend to be kavain rich and low in DHM which make them euphoric and great for stress and social anxiety. High DHM strains can come from Papua New Guinea and also are grown in Vanuatu and Hawaii, they are physically overpowering and more intoxicating and also can tend to make to cause nuasea in some people.

I love high DHM strains and would recommend isa/tudei strains but not to a newcomer. Boroguru (BKH) is great beginner high DHM strain as well as borogu. Other high DHMs are; stone/chiefs (N@H) and isa from paradise or tudei from KBR when it's in stock.

High kavain would be paradises Hawaiin grown kava, or BKH's melo melo or fu'u as well KBR fiji waka or tongan pride and N@H has white sands and WOW in that department.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Aloha xgp1240

new2kava put it well.

jJust try enough of it so that you feel the effects of any given kava.

Also, I would stay away from the high DHM kava strains at first.

Hopefully you will be united with your wife soon.

All the best! and if you need anything please drop me a line.

Adil Ghiasi

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Kava can definitely help ease anxiety and increase focus in some people. We get people into our kava bar in the afternoons to do work on their laptops regularly, and others who come in after work to take the edge off. Definitely worth a try for you. Make sure you give it a few tries before your final judgement as kava gets better with extended use. You can check out what we have for kava options at store.bulakavahouse.com. If you have any questions about our products or anything kava related I'm more than willing to help.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
saw the vendors on here so thought I would chime in as well :)  I make the kava candy and actually use it a lot in the evening for when my mind is racing...helps me focus when I have a lot of work to do and feeling stressed & anxious.  Feel free to ask others on the forum about the candy and they can give you an unadulterated view.  Just thought I would throw out an option that is super convenient with no preparation time.  More info can be found at: Nonekava candy (lots of great kava out there so shop around, try / sample some different ones and see what works best for you  - this forum has a lot of good insight.  Aloha!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
It just so happens I still have my bag of Tongan gifted to me from my dad and a small sample bag from Paradise Kava. It took some creative plastic bag manipulation and book flattening but I got 2 tbsp of Togan Pride, 2 tbsp of Paradise Premium Root(separate bags) and a nylon sock into a small manila envelop.

Hopefully it'll arrive in one piece. I think feedback from people completely new is pretty useful for everyone, experienced and other beginners alike.

Try this out and tell us what you think.
So I drank the two types of Kava gifted to me. I first took the Paradise Kava. My first reaction was that it wasn't very pleasant to drink. I did feel my tongue and cheeks get numb. And that lasted for 30-45 mins. The day after it drank the Togan, which i left in a water bottle in the frig for a few hours. Shaking it every once in a while. I filtered it thought a coffee filter, after the water ran out, i put the root in the nylon sock, and did some squeezing. While i was doing this, Vekta mildly hinted to put sugar in the water. I cant recommend this enough for first timers. It made is a lot easier to drink the Kava. It had similar effects as the paradise, only lasted for 30 mins. Other than that i can't really say much, since I need to build up a reverse tolerance to Kava.


Kava Curious
When I was getting adjusted to Kava, I used to put in a dash of stevia leaf powder to add a little sweetness and some cinnamon.  If you then mix that with some milk like liquid (I like coconut, but soy, cow, etc. should be fine) then you end up with something close to Mexican Horchata.   Plus the 'milk' adds some fat which helps with the absorption.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu

I'm not sure kava would help as much as her being a more frequent poster to Facebook. The issue at hand seems to be four days without contact. I think I'd have the same levels of anxiety regardless of how much kava I drank.
Thanks for the idea. I wasn't thinking of mixing Kava with other types of drinks, or adding stuff to it. But i guess people do it to Coffee, and many other things. So i my mind it doesn't seems so bad. As for my wife not being in contact for four days. Its usually cause she is working and sleeps a lot. Her getting a smart phone helped a lot with that issue. Um as for Kava helping with this issue. I want to say it did, only with stopping my imagination from running wild with bad thoughts of her getting hurt. But I think i would need to more time with Kava to see if it really helps with it. Thank you for the comment.