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Waste of a perfectly good tablespoon..


Kava Lover
Well I started out with my normal grog of 6 tablespoons of boroguru and enjoyed the teli, but then I remembere I have about an oz of black bag. So I figured I would toss and wash a tablespoon of that. I was gagging with every gulp and almost threw up with every gulp.. Until I did. I threw up like 3 times and wasted that whole table spoon . Surprisingly though, it wasn't painful like when you have the stomach flu, just very inconvenient. So then afterwards I tossed and washed a teaspoon and now all is well :) anyone else vomit from Ross and wash or just too much kava?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yes. For sure. The "toss and wash" method will make me vomit more likely than not. Something about that nice bitter glass of thick sawdust that just doesn't go down well. Also yes too much of anything can be a bad thing, kava definitely included.


Kava Curious
At Least you kept the second spoon down :). I've only tried three varieties so far but I actually love the taste of all three. I'm assuming they are on the mild side of kava taste wise. PK's Fijian, BKH's Fu'u and Boroguru.


Kava Enthusiast
The only kavas I've tossed and washed was fu'u and the new batch of boroguro. Basically only kava that is practically micronized. Looking at the grind of nambawen, I can see how that would make you puke. Only toss and wash micronized kavas and even then upset stomach does occur.


Kava Curious
Is stomach upset the only real danger with toss n wash? It's very easy to chug back a tablespoon or two with micronised grinds!!


Kava Enthusiast
I toss and wash with Nambawan. I give it a very good blend first though. No throw-ups, but it can be a little touch and go sometimes.


Kava Lover
I'm pretty sure that all would have been well if I didn't have four cups of kava in me already, but at Least it didn't ruin my night of kava :)