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We need a kava 4:20


Kava Lover
Why is it that mj (don't get me wrong I love mj) has its own Holliday where everybody gets stoned but kava doesn't have a holiday where everyone gets krunked? I for one think kava deserves to have its own day too! Even though I usually drink it every day already lol


Kava Curious
You know, long before kava my goal was to move to an island some day. Since you mentioned it Krunkedout, opening a nakamal sounds like a nice addition to that goal. Or maybe I'll just hit yours during happy hour and we can raise a shell or two. Bula!

But back on topic, I think you had a great idea.  Whatever date seems popular, lets bug the kava vendors to issue some discounts, maybe do an online Kava Day to start and who knows, maybe it will take off.


Kava Lover
I think this is a great idea! Now to settle upon some date.... Hmmmm... And I like the idea about bugging kava vendors about special discounts on kava day haha


10:30pm is my kava 420 lol. I usually get home around 6pm and let my kava soak for an hour in the blender. Blend, knead and squeeze, then I let it sit with ice for like 30 minutes while I go get side tracked doing something else. I always make sure to start drinking by 10:30 so I can be in bed by 11:30 to midnight.


Kava Lover
I have those late night sessions as well when I get home from work at around 9 pm lol. Usually though I try to aim for 6:30 ish