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What do you do with used kava root powder?


Kava Enthusiast
Kava is expensive, and I'm cheap. As a result, I don't throw away any that I've used. I have a nice pile of it sitting on a plate on my kitchen table.
I've actually been reusing spent Stone, and the feeling is pretty mild but I do get something out of it. I don't even throw it away at that point though. I even tried sucking on the used stuff, but it wasn't worth it.
Anyway, do you guys reuse or what do you do with your used kava? Just toss it?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I was thinking I need to learn how to make soap. I'm thinking after two squeeze-throughs, it's not really worth trying to use again as a beverage, but I assume the anti-fungal properties would still be useful.


Kava Enthusiast
I'd grind it up as fine as possible and leave it in some large jar type thing with water. Get it out after a few months and strain it.

Maybe shake it up everyday. OR just use it as compost.

If you could make a kava soap that could be absorbed through the skin like caffeine soap you'd have a good business.


Kava Enthusiast
Now I feel so very wasteful. I just chuck mine out. Maybe you could use it like Prince Philip suggested, make some soap. Or even better, half soap/half fibrous loofah type thing. I'll leave it to you, though. The last thing my house needs is more crap lying around for a well-intentioned "project".


Chew 'em.

Actually I don't commonly do that hehe but I do every now and then. Depending on the kava it may be worth it to get all those remaining kavalactones sublingually. Works well with Fiji waka anyway (smiley: smokin)

Although, my usual method of prep is to use the kava powder a minimum of two times... sometimes I go three... so I make my kava, then I make another cup with the used roots, then maybe another cup with the same roots... there isn't much more to get out after that...

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
If only I could figure out a way to make sculptures out of it and get people to buy them... Mix it up with some decoupage and mold it? Maybe plaster of paris?


Kava Curious
lol. You all are very creative. I wonder if it would be OK in a compost? I've never added anything that had such an effect, though I guess many people add coffee grounds to theirs. (For the record, I'm just tossing it now.)


Kava Enthusiast
Ever since I heard that you can used old coffee grounds to make soil more acidic, which is great for growing blueberries, I've been wondering about used kava as some sort of fertilizer... but I have no idea what it would be good at fertilizing!


Gray Owl said:
If only I could figure out a way to make sculptures out of it and get people to buy them... Mix it up with some decoupage and mold it? Maybe plaster of paris?
I'd buy one