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What happens if you...


Kava Curious
eat the left over Kava grounds after kneading and straining to make your drink?

don't  strain and knead Kava but just drink it and grounds like a slushy?

get dehydrated?  (I don't have any Kava powder yet. Have only tried 1500mg of tincture - surprisingly dehydrating.)



Kava Curious
1) Havent tried this personally but I have chewed on the dry root. I imagine you would get an effect, but because a good amount of kavalactones have already transferred to the drink, it's not going to produce as much of a buzz. I suppose it could serve as a an hors d'oeuvre before drinking the kava haha

2) Once again, havet tried it personally but i imagine it would be no different than eating it. Instead of putting dry root in your mouth, your just mixing it with water first. Therefore, you more than likely will feel the effects. However, it may take longer since the kavalactones are all contained in the powder and not mixed in your drink. Plus because it would take longer, that would give your stomach acid more time to break down the kavalactones, so the effect may be mild.

3) Kava is a diuretic so if you do not maintain adequate hydration, you can become dehydrated. However, because kava (the drink) is mainly water, I really doubt that you could drink enough of it to be noticeably affected by dehydration.


Kava Curious
When I got kona kava at first, I followed their directions for ratio but just mixed it in and drank it. Nothing really happened to me. (I felt some effects, but I wouldn't say more or less than if I strained it.) I can't imagine eating the grounds because of the taste, but i guess if other people chew on it, it may not be that bad. For the record, I strain it now, all the time. I use a loose strainer and I don't mind a little sludge, but I've never been tempted to go back to drinking the grounds completely in the mix. I don't think I've been dehydrated from kava, but I'm always drinking water or juice in the daytime anyway.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Just remember, humans don't have the enzymes needed to properly digest wood. I haven't read of anyone having problems...umm..."going". But I'd just keep that in mind.


Kava Enthusiast
Vekta said:
Just remember, humans don't have the enzymes needed to properly digest wood. I haven't read of anyone having problems...umm..."going". But I'd just keep that in mind.
I'd be more concerned that consuming that much fiber would cause excessive trips to the bathroom rather than the other way around.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
1) sounds like as much fun as eating coffee grounds or used tea bags, but I have wondered about composting it or spreading it in the garden

2) it gave me cramps and the squirts, but YMMV as my bowels are a bit sensitive

3) drink coconut water or orange juice, which contain potassium, that will increase the ionic strength of your blood and partially counteract the diuretic effect of the kava, which probably causes you to lose potassium like most non-specific diuretics, plus it will restore your electrolyte balance. I usually use at least 1/2 part coconut water to make kava as my potassium tends to run low anyway.


KarmaG said:
Vekta said:
Just remember, humans don't have the enzymes needed to properly digest wood. I haven't read of anyone having problems...umm..."going". But I'd just keep that in mind.
I'd be more concerned that consuming that much fiber would cause excessive trips to the bathroom rather than the other way around.
This is true... (smiley: eyes) ...... this is true.... main reason I do not swallow the used roots anymore. If anything, I'll save them to chew on while I'm having a session... but, I actually don't really ever do that (smiley: laugh)

Honestly, if you want to feel as though you're getting the most out of your kava, try straining your roots two or three times. As in, make your brew, then take the soaked roots to produce another 2 cups, then take the soaked roots yet again to produce another cup. Keep going until you see fit. I do this with BKH Boroguru, because that stuff is generous. You'd be surprised though, how much you can utilize just say, 4 - 7 tbsp of dry root.


Kava Enthusiast
Gray Owl said:
1) sounds like as much fun as eating coffee grounds or used tea bags, but I have wondered about composting it or spreading it in the garden
I've been wondering about that one myself. Like if you grow blueberries you can occasionally mix used coffee grounds into the soil to bring up the acidity (since blueberries need acidic soil)..... would be curious to see if you could do something similar with used kava powder.