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What have you used to brew Kava ?


I'm sorry if there's another thread on this but I wanted to ask what do you brew Kava with ? I know water is the most obvious answer, but tell me what you have tried and if it was a 'success.' I mostly brew mine with soy milk, I think it could be a little more potent than using water. I've also tried some other horrible combinations.

I've brewed Kava with
Milk - It's ok with milk
Soy Milk - I like using soy milk, however I find that the vanilla flavor can sometimes make stronger tasting kava taste worse. The chocolate flavor was also a little odd, but not too bad.
Coffee - Actually wasn't that bad, though had a funky aftertaste. Created an interesting kava experience.
Grapefruit Juice - It was horrible. Don't do it.
Beer - Used a weaker wheat beer, intensified the Kava effects. Was probably worse on my liver. Taste was bearable.

My new method I think I might use all the time now.
Green Tea - I used freshly brewed Green Tea (Strong) and Soy Lecithin to brew some kava earlier today on a whim. Was awesome, the two flavors combined together quite nicely. Couldn't really taste the green tea but it almost had a mellowing effect on the kava taste making the brew taste more neutral than anything. I definitely recommend that someone else try this out, might just be my weird tastebuds.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Whatever you do in the future do not make kava with beer or any other kind of alcohol. It's bad and has the potential to be rather dangerous. Just no. Please.
I mainly use plain water. I used to make it with coconut water but haven't bothered to get another case of it. When I was into the whole instant kava thing I used apple juice as my go to mixer.


Kava Enthusiast
I sometimes use sweetened rice milk and it makes a huge difference to the taste compared to using water. I might give the green tea a try.


Kava Curious
I use 1/2 cup of kava, 2 cups of water, and 1 cup of milk. Throw it in a blender for 5 minutes on high. Strain it. Blend it again for another minute. Chill for 4-5 hours. I've found this method to be very effective.


Kava Enthusiast
I like to use canned coconut water. There is a small amount of natural fats for the kavalactones to bind to and it also helps the taste out substancially. I've tried using milk and was not pleased by the taste and the same scenerio applied with using soy lechtin. I use plain old warm water a majority of the time and just knead it for quite a while. Typically I used 1/2 cup root to slightly over 1 cup coconut water or plain water and allow it soak for about 90 mins and then blend for a minutes and knead for a while, I typically resoak and renead to get at the good stuff out.