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What is the dely with Kavasseur web site not being updated ? Last updated Saturday, April 9, 2011


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
He's working in another country right now so he doesn't have much free time to do kava related stuff. I think He's in Ghana, West Africa.


Kava Curious
Yes, he is an environmental anthropologist whose main focus, I believe, is in West Africa. Also, I'm not for sure if he is done writing his thesis or not. However, many questions can hopefully be answered on here!

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Well, I live in Ghana and have almost no access to reliable mail services. And as Phillip said, this IS the busy season for cocoa farming. I'm out the door by 5 A.M and back at 5 P.M. I did manage to get some Paradise Kava and I'm trying to review the products once a month or so. I'll be posting a new review next week of Paradise Kava's Isa.