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What I've discerned and feel compelled to share. And a brain question.


Kava Curious
I've been heavily researching and field testing Kava as of late.... particularly the Nakamal at home varieties.... and I felt morally obligated to express a particular finding I have stumbled across given the kind and helpful nature of everyone here.

A few weeks ago around the holidays I over-indulged and posted here about it, particularly inquisitive about the emotional dissarray I experienced post Kava.... Well I believe I discoverred the source..... You see, long before my Kava use I developped an affinity for Valerian but always found it very mild and benign. I continued to take my Valerian into my Kava use with lovely results.... at least throughout the course of a session.... but now have discoverred with near certainty the combination made for the emotional dissarray I felt the next day.... Now mind you, when I say "emotional dissarray" I am talking about EXTREMELY bad rebound anxiety of the shake your socks off variety.... It is also worth noting that while my Valerian dose was reslatively high (as I said I found it alone to be mostly benign) since discoverring this fact, I've found it to be true even in relatively smaller doses (500-1000 mg.). Without the Valerian I only seem to experience the "kava hangover" you guys here describe (nothing horribly excruciating that can't be quelled with a strong coffee or two).......... And all this time I was suspecting the Kava as that was the "new variable" in the equation for me.....

That being said, I am now curious as to the effects Kava has on the brain. It seems definitive answers to this are difficult to find and I suspect my experience at the moment is rather innaccurate as I've decided throwing out all other supplements for Kava the best measure (thus I am surely experiencing some sort of abnormalities after ongoing use of things like Valerian). Particularly a brain fog and restlessness at night (falling asleep is fine, but I am waking every other hour) is plaguing me as of late.... So the real question I now pose is how have you guys noticed Kava has impacted your cognitive function and from your experience do you believe the symptoms I have described to be the result of stopping Valerian, in addition to stopping Gaba, Homeopathic sleep aids, and other herbal sleep aids?... Its worth noting that on the other side of the supplement coin, I have also ceased pirocetam and Tyrosine in the AM.....

Lastly I have been drinking Kava 5-6 nights a week with good results, but do you guys find this to be too much? How often can one safely consume Kava? I'm beginning to think its fine as a night cap so long as it isn't combined with anything else.

Thank you all ahead of time for your insightful responses :)

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
So many questions and topics, but...

I don't know what Kava does to the brain in any kind of chemical or neurological way. What I do know is that almost half the time I wrote my 200+ page anthropological dissertation on farmers' adaptability practices in West Africa I was krunked, and the other half I was zipping through the cosmos on Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Kava gives me a sense of focus and calms down my otherwise jarring and rapid thought process. I can sink into a book or study French or write business plans or write Kavasseur entries...

Never mixed Kava with Valerian root. And to be clear, I do take Valerian root, although I don't think I have ever taken it on a Kava night. If I really need to sleep, I typically don't drink Kava at all that day. Around 8 P.M I will take three doses of Valerian root (don't ask the mg, I can't remember) and I will be nice and sleepy by 10 P.M.

These days, I have been drinking Kava every other day. I like a good stout beer in the winter, so I alternate kava-beer-kava-beer. Kava nights are usually better than beer nights, but I just love the flavor of a Guinness Foreign Extra or a Young's Chocolate Stout. As far as safety goes, I'd say krunk your heart out.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I haven't read one shred where mixing kava with other things like Valerian turned out good. Kava simply was never meant to be used like that.

What kava does is not well understood but is believe to affect certain Neurotransmitters. In theory, Kavalactones in kava affect the levels of specific neurotransmitters in the blood including Norepinephrine, Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Dopamine. The brain is one of the last remaining frontiers in medical science and while they have an idea about what's going on there is still a lot not fully understood.

I've never had a "kava hangover" but I can tell you one thing....eating deep fried chicken from KFC right after having kava is not a good idea. (smiley: laugh) that wasn't a fun night for me.

PS- I am krunk as we type(smiley: smokin)


Kava Curious
Thank you so much for the uber-quick responses again... Douglas, your attention to the board astounds me, I commend you for it.

Sorry to have included varried topics in a single post, but once again let me just express my appreciation and gratitude for your patience in answerring :) The thing about my own perception is its always subjective to my experience, so I value your guys input to lend some objectivity. Take care.


Kava Enthusiast
The only hangover effect I had was when I began drinking kava I always over did it and didn't strain out all the fiber. Now I can drink lots of shells and feel mellow and nice the next day. Some types of kava will make me really lazy and unmotivated. On the odd occasions it makes me irritable and depressed.

For the kava mind, I don't know what mechanisms are involved, but sometimes it feels whatever receptors in the head that kava uses become desensitized over time and take a few days to recover. I don't get that feeling always but it does happen to me. I never had kava give me anxiety, just irritability and depression.

You listed a lot of supplements, I tried most of them but not with kava. Also keep in mind when mixing things, kava is reported to be a mild MAOI-B, it could inhibit the breakdown of certain supplements, raising the concentration in you system.


Kava Curious
L-tyrosine can cause anxiety as it raises catecholamines.  I've taken kava with valerian root and I haven't noticed any side effects.


Kava Curious
Hello Klyde, as Vetka stated, studies show that the kavalactones affect and potentiate GABAa activity in the brain. It is also speculated that certain kavalactones are norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and MAO-B inhibitors. I was thinking, that instead of using valerian during a kava session, one may drink some tasty, hot, white (because of the absent caffeine content) tea in between shells. This is because tea leaves, Camellia sinensis, contain L-Theanine, which also works on GABA receptors, adding to the anxiety lifting, and sedation effects. Just a thought! :)