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What medications should not be mixed with Kava ?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
MAOI inhibitors for one... Benzodiazepines for two....

Hmm...where is NDG when ya need'm! Help us NDG- Kenobi...you are our only hope! Or Grey Owl...


Kava Enthusiast
You rang!!

Seriously though, based on it's pharmacology I would suggest not taking benzodiazepines, MAO inhibitors or other neuroleptics (atypical antipsychotics).

Because kava has calcium/sodium channel effects, anti-convulsants will be potentiated and that could lead to some rough side effects.

due to the MAO-b inhibition kava induces combining it with stimulants like amphetamine or methylphenidate (ritalin) should be done with caution. I do and have no issues ever.

Kava also has Norepinephrine reuptake properties so drugs with that effect may be altered (I highly doubt it though), so the tricyclic antidepressants, atomoxetine, the snris like venalfaxine, cymbalta.

that is pretty much it, Nothing but maoi's, benzos (and other tranqs like GHB, barbs) and anti-psychotics seem like a no no. The rest may have some interaction but it will end with bad side effects if any at all.


Kava Curious
Right, cause I'll have a dental surgery with local anesthesia. So from what I read I guess it shouldn't be a problem if I'm under Kava.


Kava Enthusiast
yes all anesthtetics work in a similar fashion, my point which was probably poorly constructed was that if it is simply a local injection in the gum then no systemic effects will occur. However, if it was gas etc you would then have systemic signs of anesthesia like unciounsciousness, slowed heart rate etc. So since kava has this property you certainly don't want to potentiate any systemic effects as that could cause, well, death. However, local injections that are subq will have little to no systemic effects and in this circumstance potentiation is avoided. Does that make it any clearer? It's not the action of the anesthetic but it's distribution.
If you could find a benzo for the appointment that would be more clear cut, there really should be no issues with normal kava consumption, unless you were being put under.


Kava Curious
Ah ok, yeah it's more clear now. But this triggered another question in my head : how long does Kava remain in the body in amounts subject to interfere with medication it does normally interferes with ? (maybe I should ask that in a new thread o_O)

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Like NDG said. Especially the anti depressants part which seems to be quite common with those who have inquired with us. Be safe brother. - A.G


Kava Enthusiast
Idgie said:
Hi NDG - do you think there are any interactions w/ birth control?
Hey, there is no obvious interaction, however, my concern would be simply liver enzyme inhibition or activation. What pill are you on? Kava may induce the CYPp450 enzyme that metabolizes your medication thus decreasing it's effect by increasing it's clearance. Basically, it may cause the drug to work for shorter periods of time.


Kava Enthusiast
Wow, interesting.  I am on Seasonale, but plan to be using an alternative method by the end of the year (not the pill).  I'll keep clear of kava till then (rats!  ha). 

I so appreciate your response!


Kava Curious
My father has difficulty getting asleep without small doses of hypnotic drugs. Yesterday evening I gave him a 75 mg pill of Gaia Herbs Kava alcohol extract (first time getting Java for him) instead of his drug. He got asleep quickly but after a few hours he was awaken by a strong headache which lasted 2 hours.

He continually takes (1) Beta blocker drug and (2) antihypertensive drug. Could there be another forbidden combination here ?


Kava Lover
draikin said:
My father has difficulty getting asleep without small doses of hypnotic drugs. Yesterday evening I gave him a 75 mg pill of Gaia Herbs Kava alcohol extract (first time getting Java for him) instead of his drug. He got asleep quickly but after a few hours he was awaken by a strong headache which lasted 2 hours.

He continually takes (1) Beta blocker drug and (2) antihypertensive drug. Could there be another forbidden combination here ?
to me this sounds like dehydration. Kava sort of tends to dry you out a bit, and if you are already dehydrated the. It will make it worse, which causes headaches. I have gotten some headaches from kava before because I wasnt properly hydrated. However, I would check to make sure there are no interactions between kava and those drugs just to be safe. Also, keep in mind that this is not just kava we are talking about, this is kava mixed with other things. Other herbs and what not. Read what else is in the pills and perhaps check up on those things. I know that for some people chamomile will make their stomach upset, so I guess it's not a far fetched idea that something in those other than kava could have caused a headache.


Kava Enthusiast
Sorry did see this response, I would say that playing it safe is the best method. However, I personally do not think it will be a problem, but the consequence is a child which is quite the consequence.


Prince Philip said:
Aspirin is the analgesic of my choice, but I would like to know what the problem is with Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) and Kava. Is it to do with both being metabolized by the liver?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Crunked said:
Prince Philip said:
Aspirin is the analgesic of my choice, but I would like to know what the problem is with Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) and Kava. Is it to do with both being metabolized by the liver?
Basically, it's shit when it comes to what it does to the liver by its lonesome.
Unfortunately, when I have to work through a headache, the only thing that seems to help is an acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine stack.
Lucky for me, frequent kava abuse in "December" tends to minimize the initial appearance of headaches anyway.
I seem to have something akin to Seasonal Effective Disorder, but it only happens during "December," which starts November 1st for whatever reason.  The radio stations stop playing good music and pay Christmas crap.  The Reece's Pumpkins are all tossed and replaced by Reece's Trees.  And the thrice-damned Salvation Army Sonic Assault Corps makes it so that I cannot do grocery shopping until after about 10pm.


Kava Enthusiast
NDG said:
Sorry did see this response, I would say that playing it safe is the best method. However, I personally do not think it will be a problem, but the consequence is a child which is quite the consequence.

      ha - agreed! Thanks for the response. BC seems to have so many contraindications, it almost isn't worth it.   Thank goodness I am finally off of it just recently.