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What strain to drink today?


Kava Curious
The decisions...  I can't decide which of my Kava's to drink....

I have:
Tongan Pride
Stone and

I'm leaning toward the Fu'u since I haven't had it in about a year.  The last time I did though it made me really sleepy (but maybe it was me). Maybe my tolerance is different now.  So far Van3 and Tongan Pride are my favorites.  Stone doesn't do much for me - oddly.  Last memory of the Fu'u is sleepiness.

Thinking of maybe mixing two of the above together.  I've never done that. Thoughts on a good mix?
None   I primarily use Kava as a replacement for Alcohol.  I've only had one bag of Stone and one bag of Fu'u.  Have stuck w/Kava By Rex and then misc instant. I really like that


Kava Curious
MmmmKay.  I'll mix the Van3 and Stone and finish off with Fu'u by itself tonight. That way if it makes me sleepy I'll be happy and just go to bed. Problem Solved. (Clap)


Kava Enthusiast
My favorite combos are always a heady one and a body one. That sounds like a winner.


Kava Enthusiast
I'd say mix all three and make a blend. I'm a staunch advocate of making blends. I actually made a blend today with a fat tablespoon of each: van3, tudei, stone, chief's, nambawen, boroguro, and wow. I have bags of all the above and I just make blends and enjoy it much more than the individual strains alone. If it's late and I'm looking for more relaxation and sleepiness than I'll just use tudei and stone or if I need to go out and get shit done I'll do up van3 and nambawen.