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What strains of kava have you had?

I have tried to diversify my kava experience by ordering a different kava everytime. I've had N@H Chief Jungle and Stone, KBR Fiji Waka, and Paradise Kava Hawaiian awa. And I just ordered some Paradise Kava's ISA strain! Excited to try that one out ASAP!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
-Root-Chief JungleBlack SandsBoroguru (BKH)Tongan (n@h)Tongan Pride (KBR)Solomon Island Mahakea (HKS)Niugini (n@h)Premium Hawaiian (PK)Isa/Tudei (KBR)
-Instant-Fire IslandShaman KavaVanuatu Instant Green
-Extract-Honey/Lemon Co2 extractChocolate/ Orange Co2 Extract
-Specialty Items-Kava Candy 
I've got a lot more ground to cover. A Fijian Kava experience is still missing from my list.  I also have to try Fresh Frozen root at least once at some point. Just think...the stuff we have access to is only a handful of the strains they'll let out of there respective island nations.(smiley: eek)

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
If you're looking for a Fijian experience, order PK's newest Fijian batch right away. Holy lord that stuff is something else. (I'm putting the final touches on the review right now)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hopefully it's still around when my birthday comes around. The relatives already know just to throw kava at me and I'm good.(smiley: laugh) 
*is the easiest person ever to shop for*(smiley: grin)

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I have had Fijian strains from N@H, Pacific Kava, Kava by Rex (I think?), and now Paradise Kava. They are all sublime, but the PK batch right now is really fresh and potent. It reminds me of valium (not that I've ever tried valium!) ;-)


Kava Enthusiast
Kona kava (yuk)


Chiefs jungle (all from N@H)

Solomen Islands

Fire Island instant


Van3 (KBR)



Melo melo (BKH)

Vanuatu black bag

Instant green

Kavair 30% kavalactone extract
Kava kava candy
Yogi kava tea


Kava Enthusiast

White Sands

Black Sands



Chiefs jungle



Paradise Hawaii



Bula Kava House


Melo Melo


Gaia Pills
Wow looks like I have a lot more to try! I've been drinking about a year and a half now, but I tend to drink once a week, if that. Gives me something to look forward to!

By the way guys, which of these was your favorite? So far I've enjoyed the stronger strains myself. I remember my last few sessions with chief jungle were memorable :D

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
- Fresh and Powdered Hawaiian Kava of nearly all 13 varieties ranging from 2 years old to 25 year old root. Fresh kava is my absolute favorite, hands down, with ANY powder being a distant second, including our own Hawaiian Kava Powder or South Fijian).

- ISA from PNG and Hawaii (least favorite of kava, for those who may now know)

- Samoan Kava - non descript, nothing which comes to mind here.

- Tongan Kava - Again, non discript. Just remember it being REALLY light in color. The effect was average and nothing special.

- Fijian from various Islands. Fresh and fresh frozen which was shipped over frozen in little bottles. Decent beverage, mostly made from chips/louena. Light in taste and effect. Great concept. Lots of good varieties in Fiji, especially the South.

- Vanuatu from various islands.

Favorite is borogu followed by Melo Melo.

I tried this amazing Borogu in 2006 I think, from a supplier who didn't come thru in quantity (we used to carry that and can still get some decent kava from Vanuatu, just not this one EXCEPTIONAL batch of Borogu I tried some years ago. I have yet to see that again personally unfortunately.)

Wait! ...a little bird just whispered in my ear that someone in Hawaii is growing authentic Borogu now, and to watch out for that in a few years)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Instead of trying to have one favorite I just put them in a list in no particular order. There are exactly two on that list.

BKH Boroguru and PK Premium Hawaiian.

They both represent an ideal kava in my mind but I can't pick one over the other. Well I suppose I could if I tried hard enough...but I'm not gunna cuz I don't wanna!(smiley: tongue)


Kava Enthusiast
I have had



fiji waka



Paradise kava





Bula kava house

melo melo




black bag

Kule kava farms



super van

tana van

Favorite is probably fijian from Pk or black bag, black bag was so strong.


Kava Enthusiast
Kick back with Kava - Melo Melo, Fiji Waka, PNG Isa

Paradise Kava - Awa, Isa, Fijian, all extracts except the new one

All KBR kava's

All BKH kavas, including black bag and instant green.

Various products from Kona Kava (garbage).

Edit, Oh, and I had a pound of I think awa from z-eclectic a few years ago. Nothing special.

N@H wont ship to Canada, which is good because I buy too much already.

I plan to get some from Nuka Hiva Trading once they are up and running, and a few other vendors are on the to do list. After NDGs review I might try the Vanuatu kava from KTBotanicals when I order from them again.

I have most of these in stock now and continue to experiment with them. My favorites include the KBR waka, the Paradise awa and waka, and the Black bag stuff is probably my top choice. That stuff is amazing. Ive been mixing it with PK awa in an attempt to remove all doubt from the kava experience for several guests Ive had. Never a doubt about its effects when that combo is used.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm excited to try black bag, I just ordered some today.

I wish I had a stronger effect with PK Hawaiian. Based on everyones review here they rank it as one of their favorites.

I just made a really strong batch, I hadn't tried it in a month or so.

It makes me feel nice, but not a really strong effect on me. It's so strange how it can affect different people so differently.

For me it's 100% in my head and just sort of a peaceful relaxation.


Kava Curious
I am just a kava newb, but so far I have tried:

Yogi Kava Tea - technically my first Kava experience, but that would be like saying your first beer was an alcohol free O'Douls

Mountain Rose ground kava - my first real kava experience, not terrible but probably not a good kava to try first - I did like the fine grind and low cost

PK Hawaiian & ISA - both thumbs up, not cheap but good.

Real Kava Vanuatu - my first very 'peppery' kava, and pretty good, but I mostly ordered it since it came in a kit with a strainer bag & shells

Ozia Kava Candies & Drink Mix - I like the Kava Candies but the drink mix is pretty bitter, plus I don't seem to get much effect from it.

And for the future, PK Fijian, BKH Fu'u and Nambawan is on order - can't wait (smiley: happy)


Kava Enthusiast
Mos3z, Paradise Kava's awa is top of the line and is quite strong. However, If you want an extra kick the powder is fine enough to just mix in water or milk and drink. I've done this a few times with PK awa and it has seriously rocked me. Soak two big tablespoons in milk for an hour or so after blending for a while. You can also squeeze if you want, and then add the pulp back into your brew, then down on an empty stomach. I have never had anyone I've done this for complain about.

I also really like the awa mixed with other more heavy handed kava's. It goes amazingly with black bag (or whatever the new name is).

mos3z wrote:I'm excited to try black bag, I just ordered some today.

I wish I had a stronger effect with PK Hawaiian. Based on everyones review here they rank it as one of their favorites.

I just made a really strong batch, I hadn't tried it in a month or so.

It makes me feel nice, but not a really strong effect on me. It's so strange how it can affect different people so differently.

For me it's 100% in my head and just sort of a peaceful relaxation.


Kava Enthusiast
Hey Buddha

Thanks for the suggestion.

I had a lot of it last night, don't get me wrong I did have a reaction to it but it was very different than the other kavas I'm used to.

It was only in my head and it just sort of felt very relaxed a bit numb feeling.

But nothing overwhelming strong. Maybe it just affects me different?

I really like PK, Adil is awesome.

Maybe I just need to keep drinking more.

Is it ok to drink the powder straight? I always assumed that's why we have to strain it, like maybe it was hard to digest or something.

Can you describe the effect you get from PK awa?



Kava Enthusiast
It's ok to drink it straight if it's very finely ground. Its typically squeezed to separate the resins and finer particulate from the root pulp, and strained because the powder is typically rough and generally not something you would want to eat. But I dont believe its dangerous.  For me the effects are comparable if not stronger than squeezing and straining it when very fine powders are used.  I've had no issues doing this, and often sprinkle black bag or the pk awa into other kavas I've prepared. Some people on the forum have claimed to get a rash from doing this with certain strains, but I've never had a problem.

The pk awa is very euphoric and cerebral. One day I took a bunch in the morning and it felt like a low dose of e. It was pleasant, but not 100% comfortable. Its a kava that you can over do it on and I think needs to be treated with respect. For me a moderate amount of the awa is most rewarding, or used in combination with other strains (I have yet to try it mixed with the pk waka, which would be interesting). Black bag is both cerebral and quite physical. Very strong and well rounded kava. But I like the pk awa almost as much.

I dont think you are alone. Black bag, like many kavas, definitely has its own thing going on,  compared to other kavas Ive had anyway.
Black bag sounds like it is some great stuff! I will have to try that for my next kava when I get around to it. Hopefully they will still have it by the time I finish my isa.