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What time, how often do you drink kava?


Kava Lover
I usually start drinking around 8 PM and get krunk and go to sleep. I also like playing guitar whilst krunking by the way. And I usually drink everyday or every other day. I occasionally drink kava around noon but not too often

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I eat about half of a spoonful of extract at 10:30-11:00 then drink my 10-12 oz of prepared stone at 11:15 at which point I do my normal night time "getting ready for bed" routine. At that point I am lucky to make it to the bed. Then it's up for work at 5:45!

Very occasionally I may make some fresh frozen for after work but I'm almost exclusively a night time drinker


Kava Curious
I love drinking in the day, at least on the weekends.  No way can I drink this stuff before work, I need all the brain power I can get.  I need to get things done quickly, not relax and socialize.  But on the weekends I usually drink around noon, whether I'm laying around all day, visiting family, or running errands.  Though I do hate the fact that the sun bothers my eyes, makes me feel like I'm drunk.  I rarely get tired from kava.  A lot of times it gives me energy and I want to get things done, like clean the apartment, or run errands I've been avoiding for a while.
Speaking of musical instruments, I also notice that when I play piano when drinking, I make a lot less mistakes, as my hands and shoulders are naturally more relaxed.  Unfortunately, my patience for practice goes way down.
Workdays I usually drink around 8pm, 2-3 times a week.  This is more to just keep some kava in my system then to feel any major effects.  Unless I really have nothing to do one night, then I'll go overboard just to kill the night.


Lately I've been drinking kava about 3 - 4 am in the mornings whe I get home from work (I took a new job as security over construction sites that is mostly night shifts. Boring as hell.) and watch TV shows on Netflix or play video games, maybe study a bit (although I tend to drink to the point where I can't study, my body just wants to be a limp noodle and my eyes don't align) until i crash out as the sun comes up. Lately I've been rocking 1 cup of kava per 3 cups over water, occasionally 2 cups kava to 5 cups water (weird ratios I know) and I drink almost every night - er - morning.

I recently came down with a case of the ole kava dermopathy on my hands, to the point where my skin cracks and bleeds, and it hurts, so I'll be taking a few months off of kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I've been drinking daily for 8 months now. Usually drink in the evening but sometimes start mid afternoon if my back is bothering me.

I recommend Tongan pride if you want a daytime kava. I drank it at 3pm the other day and had crazy energy until midnight.


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
It depends on my anxiety, depression and K@ schedule. Every few weeks I'll take a K@ break and have a kava binge to help; if the former two afflictions are particularly bad, I'll have both. I've had many stressors lately, so I've probably been overindulging. I do cyber school, so I'm home all day during the week; I generally drink about six to eight shells throughout the day, and then I make a batch for the following day before bed. The only negative effects I've run into have been dry skin and hangovers depending on the dose and strain. Oh well, it's nothing a good lotion and lots of water can't fix.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm a night-time drinker right now. In warm weather I'll have kava outdoors in the afternoons on weekends.
I'm not an every-day drinker by any means, but there is no regularity to my frequency. Some weeks it feels like this:
   S            M            T            W          Th          F             SKava  >  ------  >  Kava  >   Beer  >  ------- >   Kava   >  -----

Others feel more like this:
   S            M            T            W          Th          F             SKava  >  Kava  >  Kava  >   Kava  >  ------  >  ------  >  -------

Then there are the ones that I really don't like that look like this: 
   S            M            T            W          Th          F             SKava  >  Beer  >   Wine  >   Kava  >  Beer  > Kava  >  Spirits

I would say on average I have kava every 2-3 days.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Drink kava in the morning four days a week, 1-4 shells. Drink kava at night, every night (or almost), 2-7 shells. It's kinda random, I know.


Kava Curious
Usually just an evening thing for me. Maybe 4-5 nights a week. I sometimes have a little paradise extract during the day if really needed.


Kava Enthusiast
On weekdays I like to begin preparation as soon as I return from work. As this is when my stomach is the emptyest and I'm in the most need of relaxing. I usually drink 4-6 days a week. On weekends tends to be later and some social sessions run until 1-2am


Kava Curious
i'm trying to do it every other day (in the evenings) but tend to get super krunked on weekends (actually thursday friday and saturday). Every other weekend, i'll add some borneo red vein K@ to the mix to get ultra krunked.
my kava tendencies are roughly this: since i drink mostly stone, ill often arise at the crack of noon with a gnarly gut angst and a slight headache, effin exhausted. so a shell will temporarily make all that go fuck itself. all smiles, until about an hour later, super sleepy again. so yerba mate gets drank. along with another shell. mainly, its alternating between yerba mate and 2nd wash shells every couple hours until its official kava pounding time. at about six or seven pm, a real deal bowl is brewed with a cup root to four cups water, kneaded for twenty mins. this is then destroyed a shell per half hour til its gone, an then i shitfacedly proceed to eat random crap and do god knows what until i eventually black out into another dimension.every day if possible. im ultra concerned about that dermopathy, cuz i seriously do NOT wish to cease kava ingestion for any period of time. this has become a welcome part of my days. bah...


Kava Lover
nataliekobrapuke said:
my kava tendencies are roughly this: since i drink mostly stone, ill often arise at the crack of noon with a gnarly gut angst and a slight headache, effin exhausted. so a shell will temporarily make all that go fuck itself. all smiles, until about an hour later, super sleepy again. so yerba mate gets drank. along with another shell. mainly, its alternating between yerba mate and 2nd wash shells every couple hours until its official kava pounding time. at about six or seven pm, a real deal bowl is brewed with a cup root to four cups water, kneaded for twenty mins. this is then destroyed a shell per half hour til its gone, an then i shitfacedly proceed to eat random crap and do god knows what until i eventually black out into another dimension.every day if possible. im ultra concerned about that dermopathy, cuz i seriously do NOT wish to cease kava ingestion for any period of time. this has become a welcome part of my days. bah...
eventually the kava love will wash over you and you will learn to live with dermopathy and see that it is a holy sign showin that John frum is with you. Amen.


Kava Enthusiast
I run quite a lot, maybe an hour a day. My only kava use criteria is that it doesn't happen before the run. Got to get my exercise in. Then, it's kava time. Kava combined with tired muscles is just a great feeling.
i been attempting rise an shine shells, but alas all thatll do is make me desire a deep coma like sleep sesh after about an hour. at night, itll wake me the fuck up and get me ready to loiter hard. but early, prohibitively tiring. i wonder why the fuck....