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What's you EMD?

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Kava Enthusiast
What is your Minimum Effective Dose? I guess the question is do you use kava recreationally or therapeutically? I believe most would say both, but what is your default? That was a survey question, right?

In the past, my default was to over consume and suffer the side effects of dry skin, dry eyes, styes and dehydration. Recently, I cut my regular dose of Stone from 6tbs to 3tbs, this amount leaves me pleasantly relaxed while greatly reducing the side effects.

I know some of you get krunk on 3tbs - no idea how that works! Jealous!!

Deleted User01

My minimum Dose is 1 tablespoon of Micronized. Also, the dry eyes get worse during the allergy season which is upon us now. Don't blame it all on kava. I use Kava recreationally (as a booze replacement) but it really peps me up when I have "the end of the world syndrome". And I look forward to the sleep and relaxation after supper and "no hangover" feeling in the morning. So it is also therapeutic. I would have to say that Kava is really, really good for me. Oh, did I mention all that good fiber I ingest with Micronized? Yeah Baby, the bennies never end. :D
P.S. The fiber of course is microscoptic in the micro I take but it can still ream out the arteries. At least that's my theory. You can read about it in my new book, "Alternative Facts in an Alternative Universe".

Deleted User01

Ahhh, Ice. Cold Kava has less taste then warm kava. That makes sense ... even to me.
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