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Where can I get some really nice coconut shells?

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
The Kule'a and Bula Kava House ones look nice.  The holders for the Kule'a look like a plus not available with some of the others out there.  Any recommendations or general hints, like whether a finished surface or plain is better.  Or maybe I could go nuts and get a coconut from the grocery store and try making my own.  My wife would probably think I've gone crazy, but it wouldn't be the first time.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Our shells at store.bulakavahouse.com are great. They don't have holders because they don't need them. They're sanded flat on the bottoms. The coconuts at the grocery store are usually young (green), you would need a mature coconut. I'd be interested to hear about your efforts to make a kava bowl. I'm thinking it would be pretty tough.


My favorite ones came from N@H but I don't believe they are currently selling them. I usually buy a coconut shell from every vendor who sells them when I try out their kava, I don't know why I didn't see yours Jud.. I would have picked one up with my last order.

I've actually made my own coconut shells from mature coconuts I bought at the store. It really isn't that difficult. Just mark your cut spots and saw carefully straight through the center (save the stuff inside! Yuuuuum) then sand down the inside spongy surface and lightly sand the outside shell till all the husk is gone and you have a smooth surface all around. Let that dry out in the sun for a good while (I went 2 days) and then finish off with a food safe finish oil or wax (it will be marked as 'food grade') and you're set. Mine are so small though I only break them out for newbies.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Thanks, guys, I'll probably get some from bulakavahouse then.  Also, I'm looking for a really pleasant-tasting kava not necessarily mild tasting and regardless of effect.  My wife is a super-taster I know she would gag on the stuff that I have right now, she might never try kava, but it would be cool to have something that I could offer her if she's curious.

I've seen green juice coconuts with the husk still on and brown meat coconuts with the husk off, but kavalover has a point, the ones from the grocery are awfully small.  My wife is from the Dominican Republic, the best coconuts that I ever had were juice coconuts that her dad got from his cousin's farm in La Cienega in the foothills of Pico Duarte, that was the most beautiful place that I visited in DR as it was well out of the cities, it was quiet there, I'm definitely not a city person.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Judd: I got my fu'u today, kudos I think you got everybody beat so far on order turnaround time!  PS nice shells, too, by the way.