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Where the HELL can I find a strainer bag/cheescloth/muslin?

kl.Big Thier

Kava Curious
So I went to Wal-Mart and other stores, everybody looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about it. I've yet to try a hardware store though. I regret not purchasing one when I bought my kava.


Kava Enthusiast
Does anyone feel that using an old t shirt makes the kava taste like...t shirt?  The detergent has to be long gone since I've used it several times but I always notice the off flavor when I do...


Kava Lover
metacog said:
Does anyone feel that using an old t shirt makes the kava taste like...t shirt? The detergent has to be long gone since I've used it several times but I always notice the off flavor when I do...
I once used a black t-shirt and it made my kava have a material taste and I could feel little fibers. With the one I use now I don't notice any effect on taste or texture.


Kava Enthusiast
Krunkedout said:
metacog said:
Does anyone feel that using an old t shirt makes the kava taste like...t shirt? The detergent has to be long gone since I've used it several times but I always notice the off flavor when I do...
I once used a black t-shirt and it made my kava have a material taste and I could feel little fibers. With the one I use now I don't notice any effect on taste or texture.
: O !  That's the color of mine!  That must be it.  Now the search begins for another t shirt I can sacrifice...

kl.Big Thier

Kava Curious
Prince Philip said:
I tried using cheesecloth once, it was awful. You're really better off with a paint strainer or a Fijisack.

Yeah? But the paint strainer they had had relatively large holes... Large enough for powdered plant matter to pass through!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Paint strainers usually have large pores, so using them on micronized or near micronized grinds is the same as pouring it directly into your water. With kavas like stone, or the new Bula Kava House grind I use paint strainers. The catch is that I use 3 of them together to be sure it strains out a good bit of the root solids. They last a good long time when using 3 and they do a great job too.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I like the beauty of the Fijistrainers. They add something special to the ritual of preparing kava for consumption.


You will find after a few uses of your strainer bag that it needs a wash. Don't throw it in the wash with other items that have a conditioner rinse.

I made that mistake recently. If you think root tastes bad, wait till you try root + laundry conditioner. I barely got it down -- borderline barf. (smiley: sick)

But it was either that or throw out my mix. (Cry)


Kava Curious
Fijian kava bags are all I use now.   They work better than anything, last forever and are considerably more palatable to guests than using one of your old socks!   

KavaKauai.com has them for sale on their website. 

It's a worthwhile investment!